Gallifrey 2008 call for postcard art

Sep 19, 2007 20:49

Who wants to design a postcard for Gallifrey One's Nineteenth Symphony: Opus 2008? The prize is a pound of See's Chocolates, or half a kilo of Cadbury Roses (or other Cadbury). If you just want to be on our postcard mailing list, send your name and address to gallifrey at postcardart dot info.

We're going to cram an entire progress report onto one side of a little postcard. What should we put on the other side? We've got full color printing capability. Bleed, even -- you can have color and stuff going right up to the edge.

(Pacific time) 12:01 am 01 November.
(British time) 8:01 am 01 November.

Dimensions at 300 dpi: 1350x1725 or 1725x1350 pixels. Display thumbnail size, if you post your designs, should be 270x345 or 345x270 pixels (i.e., 60 dpi).

Design your art to be 4.5"x5.75" at 300 dpi, and allow for at least 1/8" along the edges where you won't have any text or anything vital to the design. It'll be 4.25"x5.5" once it's trimmed. So, don't have any text or logos within 40 pixels of the edge (1/8") and we should have no trouble trimming it.

You can e-mail the high-resolution version to gallifrey at postcardart dot info, or just publish a link to it on your server. (Post the link here or send me e-mail.)

You could have a photo of Canary Wharf in flames and a big banner that says "Greetings from Torchwood!" like a standard tourist photo postcard. You could pretend you're designing a color cover for the convention program book and make a photo montage with lots of dark blue swirls in it. Make it look like a still from the opening credits sequence with the Tardis flying through hyperspace... Whatever. It should probably have the official full name of the convention on it somewhere, although that's not actually required

IMPORTANT NOTE: Don't use any actors or other people on this one. Sorry about that.

Prize for the one we use will be a 1-lb. box of See's chocolates, or 500g of Cadbury Roses (or other Cadbury chocolate), or something else or you're allergic/dieting. If you've used someone else's art in your composition, get their permission -- you'll be splitting the prize with them.

If you would like to be put on our mailing list, send e-mail gallifrey at postcardart dot info. Your info will be kept on a computer in California, and will only be used to send you Gallifrey One postcards.
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