It's time for Challenge 57! Looks like we're running on last week's schedule again, sorry about that, but the voting for the last two weeks is up, so please go vote!!
For your New Who challenge, it's My Favorite S4 Monster! Think of what your favorite monster has been from this past season and then find a great cap of it to icon. Of course, the definition of monster is pretty loose. It could be the Adipose, technically harmful but absolutely innocent and adorable, or the likes of the Daleks and the Sontarans, known enemies and strange creatures in their own rights. Why, even the Host from Voyage of the Damned and the suit-inhabiting Vashta Neruda of Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead could be considered monsters. Your Classic Who challenge this week is that Second Doctor episode The Macra Terror. The Doctor, Polly, Ben and Jamie find themselves on a strange utopian colony planet where not everything is as joyful as it seems, much as the inhabitants would like them to believe otherwise. Soon they discover that the colony is infested by the devious Macra and all the people are mind-controlled slaves, working in the secret mines below the earth to free the gasses that the crab-insects feed upon ... and are unfortunately taken prisoner as well. Can the Doctor and his companions break free and consequently free the colony from the terrible control of the Macra? And can you icon it? XD Finally, your Various challenge this week is The Dream Team. Stretch your imaginations and think what your absolute dream of a TARDIS team would be!
This week's challenges:
New Who A: My Favorite S4 Monster (I choose the picture)
New Who B: My Favorite S4 Monster (You choose the picture)
Classic Who A: s04x05 - The Macra Terror (I choose the picture)
Classic Who B: s04x05 - The Macra Terror (You choose the picture)
Various: The Dream Team (You choose the picture)
The Overall Rules
1. Only one icon per challenge, please.
2. All icons must adhere to LJ size constraints. (40KB, 100x100 pixels)
3. You may submit your entries all at once, or in separate posts.
4. All entries must be submitted to the original Challenge post. The Challenge post is screened so all entries are hidden and seen only by the Mod.
5. Do not include your user name in the file name, please. Try to keep all file names anonymous.
6. Animation is not allowed unless specified in the challenge.
7. You do not have to participate in all the challenges.
8. Please direct any questions
here. My Favorite S4 Monster (New Who A): My Choice
Click the picture for the full screencap.
My Favorite S4 Monster (New Who B): Your Choice
Example OneExample TwoExample ThreeExample FourExample FiveExample SixExample SevenExample EightExample NineExample TenExample ElevenExample TwelveExample ThirteenOr find your own!
s04x05 - The Macra Terror (Classic Who A): My Choice
Click the picture for the full screencap.
s04x05 - The Macra Terror (Classic Who B): Your Choice
Example OneExample TwoExample ThreeExample FourExample FiveExample SixExample SevenExample EightExample NineExample TenExample ElevenExample TwelveExample ThirteenExample FourteenExample FifteenExample SixteenExample SeventeenOr find your own!
The Dream Team (Various): Your Choice
Do you prefer the Crowded TARDIS of the final two episodes at the end of S4? Or maybe you'd like to see Four and Rose travel the stars together with Jamie and K-9 in tow. Or perhaps you prefer Ten and Martha, with some added Jack or maybe Donna? Of course, manips are welcomed, whatever you want to do that gets your Dream Team in the same icon, then go for it! We want to see what your idea of the perfect team, whether Canon or not, would be!
Thank you
The Galleries at Time and Space and
The Doctor Who Tragical History Tour for the screencaps!
For more information on all Whodom, check out the
Doctor Who wikia,
a simple Doctor Who wiki and The Doctor Who Reference Guide.
For lots of Doctor Who screencaps and images, check out
The Doctor Who Image Archive,
The Doctor Who Tragical History Tour,
The Gallery @ Chaotic-Creative, and
The Galleries at Time and Space.
Right now the count stands at:
05 - New Who A Entries
06 - New Who B Entries
05 - Classic Who A Entries
04 - Classic Who B Entries
05 - Various Entries
All due by: Monday, Oct. 06