Not actually for the Ficathon, but it's Doctor Who (albeit with a dash of Torchwood) and it is very, very historical.
Title: The Winter of Our Discontent, Part I: This Sun of York
lareinenoire and
rosamundSummary: Something is rotten in the state of England...and it's not just the heads mounted above the gates of York. Can the Doctor and Jack solve the
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"It's the end of the world! There were three suns! Three!"
"I always said it wasn't a parhelion."10 *g*
"Medicus quondam, medicus futurus," Ned said under his breath. "Although I would have pegged him as Merlin first."
Jack smiled to himself, thinking that the Doctor could actually have been the famous wizard.
<3 <3 <3
And I hadn't really thought about it before, but when rosamund wrote that line, I really had to wonder if there was a reality where the Doctor (in some incarnation) was Merlin.
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