Super Secret Spoiler Challenge 7

Jun 05, 2011 03:49


Series 6, episode 7. :)

This challenge is for episode 6.07: A Good Man Goes to War.
For pictures, see the links section in the rules.
Have fun!

You can use any screencap from the episode in question
Some links with gallery: here
Blending, textures, brushes, etc are allowed unless otherwise specified
Your icons must be new, never before used or posted, and they can't be posted anywhere until the winners have been announced
Still icons only.
Entries must meet LJ requirements: 100x100 pixels, no bigger than 40KB
You can make up to 3/three free-for-all icons for this challenge
Please submit your icons to this post, images and URL's (comments are screened)

Entry count: 30

Submissions will close Saturday, June 11, 18.00 CET


sssc 7, !submissions, !super secret spoiler challenges

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