Title: Entanglement, or The Ghost Field
dracox-serdrielRating: R
Fandom: Superwho (Doctor Who/Supernatural Crossover)
Acknowledgement: A special thanks to my awesome beta reader,
rince1windGenre: Horror, Action, Science Fiction, Case Fic, Crossover Fic
Status: Completed as part of
horrorbigbang 2013
Word count: Approx. 41,500
Characters: Supernatural - Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, The Tenth Doctor (Metacrisis), Rose Tyler, Pete Tyler, The Eleventh Doctor, River Song
Pairings: The Tenth Doctor/Rose Tyler
Spoilers: For Supernatural, all episodes through 07x19 "Of Grave Importance"; For Doctor Who, All reboot episodes through 04x18 "The End of Time, Part 2" with some minor spoilers from 06x08 "Let's Kill Hitler"
Warnings: violence, language, horror, trauma, terror, possession, mayhem
Disclaimer: I claim no ownership to the characters, universe, and mythology of Doctor Who or Supernatural.
Summary: A mauve alert attracts the attention of The Metacrisis Doctor and Rose Tyler, who investigate as UNIT and Torchwood employees. The Winchesters get a call from a woman who claims her doppelganger has just died in the Trine, an area of rural Florida with so many ghost stories and odd phenomenon that people named it after the Bermuda Triangle. What they think is just a basic shifter/spirit problem turns out to be an entire world of horrors.
Entanglement, or the Ghost Field on LiveJournalEntanglement, or the Ghost Field on AO3