
Jul 30, 2007 08:44

We are desperately in need of pinch-hitters! Since it's been several months since sign-ups (and when one volunteered for pinch-hitting), your situation may have changed. You do not have to have participated in the exchange to pinch hit.

When a participant drops out the exchange, we have to find someone to cover their assigned story. The "replacement" fic is called a pinch-hit. Although pinch-hits must follow the same rules as the regular submissions, the deadline is simply as soon as you can finish.

If you are willing and/or able to write a crossover fic using any of the following fandoms, please reply with your name, email address and fandom(s) you can write. Comments are screened for anonymity.

The Vorkosigan Saga
Stargate SG-1
Stargate Atlantis
House M.D.
Harry Potter
Grey's Anatomy
Greek Mythology
Mutant X
Star Trek
The West Wing
Anita Black: Vampire Hunter
A Series of Unfortunate Events
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

We need as many pinch-hitters as possible, so if it is at all possible for you to write any of these, please help us out.


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