Eight Waistcoat pattern help... Part 2

May 23, 2011 18:00

to follow up on my posting of this past weekend ( http://dw-cosplay.livejournal.com/850515.html ), i wanted to finish up with a couple more observations about the Eight waistcoat...

1) at the risk of belabouring the possibly obvious, it would appear that when the material was cut for the original waistcoat lapels/collar, there was an effort made to make the brocade pattern of the lapel/collar synch with the pattern of the body of the waistcoat:

bearing in mind that in the picture on the right, the lapels are being pulled slightly out of their resting position by the ridiculous posture the actor is holding in the photo...

2) for this, i concede that the following observation is far from quantifiable given the angle from which the photograph was taken, but it may suffice to provide a "ballpark" figure/observation...

namely, what is the appropriate width of the waistcoat lapel/collar? while estimating a quantified measurement would be folly, a proportional analysis is possible.

if we were to square the shoulder seam, approximating where a modern shoulder seam would be placed(covered in the previous post), and measure out from the natural neckline (as opposed to the modified neckline - also covered in the previous post), in the original photo, as posted on the BBC website, that seam measures 48 pixels long. the outer edge of the lapel falls almost precisely at 24 pixels wide - ergo, not including the 1cm/3/8" collar-line ride-up, the edge of the lapel falls approximately at the mid-way point between the natural collar-line and the armscye.

(original size)


as alluded to earlier, this is not a finding to bet vital body parts on, but it may provide a degree of perspective...

vest/waistcoat/gilet, patterns, doctor: eight

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