Howdy cosplay peeps. I just wanted to express a little love to the cosplay community by sharing my little 'production' blog of making an Ace costume for my Mrs. click the picture to go to the blog
The blog is mainly to document my work in progress and (in a way) help me push to completion. It is not, however, me trying to be clever and claim greater knowledge of this costume - because I don't!
I hope to include a gallery of Aces, including the real McCoy, Aldred, herself, as well as the other lovely cosplayers so if you are one, I hope you would allow me the pleasure of reproducing your images on the blog.
So take a look, have fun, be informed (if this community wasn't doing it enough already!), poke fun or even tell me what you think! Any feedback eternally grateful.
This blog wouldn't have existed without this community nor the brilliant postings of