Amy cosplayers... I need your wisdom!

Aug 24, 2010 19:46

So, today, while I was browsing through stores with reasonably priced leather/pleather jackets (looking for a good alternative to Rose's Doomsday jacket, actually) I stumbled across a brown bomber jacket that I really liked at TJ Maxx, for all of $25. I couldn't say no to that.

Shortly thereafter (the cosplay gods were smiling), I found a pair of black shorts for $11 and surprisingly, I didn't already have black shorts (I'm usually pretty exclusive about blue denim). So, quite accidentally, I found myself on my way towards a Hungry Earth cosplay.

Though I would like a spot of advice from experienced cosplayers/people who know Amy's wardrobe quite well...

Unfortunately, I didn't have anything remotely similar to Amy's Hungry Earth shirt, but I threw this on quickly as a substitute... I apologize for my bathroom and for my phone.

Since it was a spur of the moment decision, I could only look up Amy's jacket from my phone, and even then, it's hard to get a clear enough image. So, here are a few pictures of the jacket (it's a chocolate brown, though my phone distorts the color a bit). Good? Opinions?


And here, I added in the black shorts. Now, I guess I just want someone to validate my black shorts, because my mom said she really didn't like them at all (why, she can't explain) but if they look good for an Amy cosplay, I'm keeping them!

So here's a rough outline of the beginnings of my Hungry Earth outfit. Advice and opinions would be much appreciated!

amy pond

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