Feb 28, 2010 00:07
For my birthday this year I am hoping/planning to attend Chicago Tardis with my favorite Whovians (aka my husband and kids). I am making a Ten suit for my husband and already have the fabric needed and sources for details. Since my own appearance doesn't really match any of the companions I am just going to go with fun and pretty costumes for myself. I am considering Donna's from Fires of Pompeii which I think will be fairly simple, but what I would really like to do is one or two of the dresses from Girl in the Fireplace. Does anyone know where to find fabrics to match those? My preference would be the one she wears when she first kisses the Doctor and/or the one she wears in her final scenes. I know I can get solid material and do the beading by hand, but if I could find some already beaded, that would be fantastic. My next question is what would you suggest for costumes for a 10 year old girl and a 5 year old boy (my son's birthday is 3 days before ChicagoTardis begins)? Once I cut my husband's suit I may see if I have enough of the Ten fabric left over to make a mini Ten suit for my son (which would be too cute). I know he will outgrow it so quickly that I almost hate to use it for that though (and I doubt I will have that much extra) and would love backup ideas. I may wait and see how I like 11 and his companion because putting together their outfits could be really cute for the next generation. Suggestions/thoughts?
Finally, if I don't use the extra 10 fabric for a suit for my son, would it be sacrilege to make a corset out of it? Thanks for any input and ideas.
episode: the fires of pompeii,
doctor: ten,
guest star: madame de pompadour,
companion: donna noble,
episode: the girl in the fireplace,