Torchwood Hosts A Dating Game?!

Aug 08, 2009 10:42

A convention took place last weekend in Hartford, CT, known as 'Connecticon.' I'm on staff as a Main Events member who helps coordinate some of their bigger events, including the Masquerade. This year, I was offered the opportunity to take over as director of the Dating Game and give it a make-over -- And we had one hell of a turn out!!

I chose to make Torchwood this year's theme. I hosted as Captain Jack Harkness with Captain John Hart as my co-host. Sketch, formerly a famous a web comic artist, built a life size TARDIS which he brought to the convention and assembled for us to use in Main Events over the course of the weekend. Both John and I came out of the TARDIS, which we had stolen from the Doctor, to host the Dating Game! Before we got things really going, the two of us performed a musical number that had the audience in hysterics!

In addition to the rounds, we had filler pieces in which I got shot and brought back to life. We also had the Torchwood cast running through the audience chasing a necromancer who we had mistaken as an alien. It was really a good time!! Unfortunately, I don't have any footage of the game online as of yet, but I do have pictures to offer! When some footage goes up onto YouTube, I will be more than happy to share it here!!

Ianto and Gwen looking for their missing host and boss.

Jack arrives half undressed and needs to piece himself back together.

Pretty much everyone but Jack is unamused.

John shows up wearing Jack's coat.

John begs to help co-host the Dating Game, but Jack isn't having any of it.

John convinces Jack to co-host with a snazzy song and dance!

And true the style of John Barrowman, Jack cannot resist a show tune!!

I really wish I had a better shot of this picture...

I absolutely adore this picture...!

Jack and John hosting the Dating Game.

After Jack is killed, someone calls for a Doctor -- To which Owen responds, but is immediately shown up by the Doctor.

Unfortunately, nobody caught me jumping into the Doctor's arms -- So we have this picture of two spectres, since Jack and John were flailing so much. We did stick the Doctor into the following round!

And now for some pictures of the photo shoot!

Jack getting some from everyone!!

More to come when I get footage and better photos! :)

image Click to view

I do have this little gem to share! It's a commercial we showed during Opening Ceremonies to get the audience pumped for the Dating Game. :)

guest star: john hart, toshiko sato, doctor: ten, companion: sarah jane smith, ianto jones, convention, torchwood, owen harper, gwen cooper, companion: k9, doctor: four, humor, unit, frivolity, jack harkness

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