I haven't had the chance to get together a Rose costume yet even though I've been a squealing 'Who' fan for awhile, and so this coming Dragon Con (being my second time there and all!) seemed like the best time to make all of this happen. I'm going to be doing Rose's outfit from the Idiot's Lantern and these are some pictures of the accessories and things I've found so far.
The problem I'm having is finding the jacket - I keep looking for certain brand names and all, but I don't know what I should really be searching for on eBay and whatnot when I look. I think it'd be best to find it, but if not we're prepared to sew..and sew..and sew, and make it happen. But any advice here, from anyone? It would so be welcomed!
So, here we go with some pictures!
This is the outfit, for those of you who aren't familiar with it. The dress is something we're sewing, and yes, I will have a wig - that's probably the part about it I'm the most nervous on, aside from the jacket. Because I'm not usually good with wigs, but I have friends that say they can help me so I'm crossing my fingers it all works out. But we're sewing the dress and already have some excellent fabric for it, and unless I magically find that jacket (which I'm still searching for, don't get me wrong) we're going to be making that, too.
The shoes are also tricky demons, which I'm desperately trying to shop around for so I can find something comparable.
BUT. I did find some of the accessories over the past couple of days, and these are the things I'm going to get excited about here!
I'm almost certain this is the exact headband. The info said it was an Alice band, and I just found one of those and I think this is definitely the colour. So that's one down!
Even though it's not very visible in that picture, she does have a huge, pink ring on the ring finger of her right hand. It looks like hers is more light and plastic, but I saw this ring and really liked it, and it's those little, personal touches that make a costume your own instead of just a would-be copy. So I went with this ring! I really like it!
And last but not least...
I love them! I think they're going to look great!
So yes, I'm more than a bit excited for Dragon Con now, even though it's several months away!