About 2 months ago, I posted pics of my costumes for Doctors 1, 9, 10, & 11, and also my "Impossible Astronaut" River Song outfit (original post:
http://dw-cosplay.livejournal.com/1418025.html). I've got a few more mostly-complete outfits to post now.
First up is my Second Doctor costume. I know I've posted a couple of pictures of me wearing it, but I wanted to just show the costume & props. I added the large pockets to the jacket to match his & attached the yellow symbols to the braces. I couldn't find a large-collared shirt, so I removed the collar from a regular one & made a larger collar for it. I hand-painted the recorder, & I'm using a laser pointer as his sonic.
Now for the River outfits. I've shown some of the props before, but some are new. This first one is for "Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone." I need to try to fade the pants a bit, because they're a lot newer than the shirt. The patch is just painted canvas & still needs to be sewn onto the shirt. I haven't got a tan belt & thigh holster yet, so I'm just using the black for the time being. Right now I just have cheap toy handcuffs, rather than the hinged cuffs she wore at the end. The little gun was supposed to be the little blow torch gun she uses at the beginning (when she's all dressed up), but it doesn't really look anything like it.
Next is "Angels Take Manhattan." The coat is an old one that I dyed taupe (it was more of a cream color). I did a lot of work on the skirt. It was way too long and was too skinny at the waist, so I basically cut about 8 inches off the top, moved the zipper down, & then created a new waistline for it. It's not very clean work, though. Next time I've got something that needs that much adjustment, I think I'll take it to a tailor. I also added black rhinestones to it. I made her little computer thing & the ring, & I'm planning to make a replica of the novel at some point.
This outfit was used in "The Pandorica Opens" & the "First Night/Last Night" minis. I may be replacing the pants soon. I couldn't find black military pants locally, so thought I'd just try dying some camo ones. Not a good idea. Five dye baths later, you can still make out the pattern. The props are just some new random River props I've gotten or made since the last time I posted. I made the invitation to go with my "Impossible Astronaut" outfit, and the eyepatch for "The Wedding of River Song" (I don't have the outfit yet, though). I just got the ring today, which goes with the cheongsam dress from "The Pandorica Opens" (I don't have that yet, either).
I've also got two Third Doctor outfits (I just need to make an Inverness cape) and another two River outfits in progress.