TimeGate is the Doctor Who (and Stargate and more) convention in Atlanta, GA, USA, held annually over the Memorial Day weekend. This year it's at the Perimeter Holiday Inn Select, convenient to MARTA and Perimeter Mall and I-285, from May 25 to May 27.
The website is :
http://www.timegatecon.org Memberships are only $40 to May 6; at the door is $50 for all three days, and there will be one-day-only membership as well at the door.
With TimeGate less than a month away, let me mention that I'm the Director of the new Costuming Track this year. :)
The Doctor Who panels are:
New Who Costuming We'll be talking about Nine, Ten, and Eleven, and some of their Companions and guest stars, with the exception of Amy Pond. (See below!)
Doctor Who Props From K-9 to the Sonic Screwdriver, come and get some ideas about how to craft your own DW props.
Classic Who Costuming An oversight panel of costuming for the Classic Who era, including Doctors and Companions, and maybe a monster or a robot or a villain or two.
Dressing the Companion: Amy Pond With two seasons/series behind us, and one more season/series upcoming, we will take a good look at Amy Pond's wardrobe.
Other panels below the cut.
Costuming on a Budget
Star Wars Costuming and Props
Stargate Costuming/Props
The Presentation of Costume for Masquerade and Hall Cosplay
On Friday night, there will be a Photo Op in the Costume Track panel room, so come and get your picture taken!
The Masquerade is on Saturday night. :)
If you are attending, and would like to be on any of the panels, please send me a PM, letting me which panel(s) and your expertise in the subject. My ideal panel consists of one Moderator (already assigned) and two to four panelists. If you can attend in costume, or bring cosplay to show off, or props, that's added value. :) I cannot promise that everyone who applies to be a panelist will be accepted, but I will do my best. Good panelists need to not be only knowledgeable, but must work well with other panelists, and can answer questions from the audience in a helpful and kind manner.
Some of you I've already talked to about certain panels, so for those folks, I would like to also hear from you, please and thanks.
See you at TimeGate!