Hey Gang,
So onward to Day one of Gallifrey One - Friday!
Continued From:
http://dw-cosplay.livejournal.com/1266253.html - Thursday / Pre-Con
More Pics and info
I got up about 7AM on Friday morning. Today was going to be all about set-up and a lot of moderating various panels. I had no less than three of them all nearly in a row. So I showered and suited up as the 4th Doctor for the day. Teri was right behind me planning to dress as Revenge of the Cybermen Sarah Jane- borrowing minervamoon's costume one last time. I grabbed my supplies like flyers for the Console room, the Tip Jar, mounting tape, the body form and the TARDIS Printed large backdrops and headed downstairs.
Nine, Tux Ten and Eleven
A Nine rocking a Magnoli replica jacket
On the floor things were slowly bustling with activity. I ran into several folks including Malaki, Erin, Dan, Kevin C., and Steve Ricks (aka pumpkiny) who'd made the flight in from the UK safe and sound and was sporting one of his Eleven outfits.
Miriam aka Praedestinatio as Jo Grant!
Another Jo Grant! Photo by Katie Forman
TWO Jo Grants!
Elevens, Ten and Amy
Mini Eight
I quickly set up the flyers with photography times on the Fan Lounge and Cosplay Hall doors. I helps set up what I could in the Fan Lounge with the donation flyers and then wrangled some help from Kevin Coppa, Steve, Malaki and Erin to help put up the 2 different TARDIS walls (Tennant and Davison Era) using ALL of the mounting tape I brought. It is always a tedious job but we had both set up quickly in about 45 minutes. Malaki agreed to pick up some extra mounting tape for us later as inevitably these tend to fall down a bit by late Saturday night.
Setting up the backdrops and chairs in the Cosplay Hall
I re-arranged the tables and chairs to be ready for panels. Next, I had the hotel staff supply both rooms with an extra table each to accommodate photography and extra room for the Cosplay Repair Station. Unfortunately ,I was told later the Cosplay Repair Station would not be setting up shop until Saturday unfortunately but oh well, we were set to go regardless. I also found the folks doing tech to arrange to have an extra view screen and extension cables set up in the Cosplay Hall for some Power point Presentations for a few panels in the room later that day and the weekend.
Candid Doctors
Nine and Rose
Four and Nine
Julie aka Azarsuerte as Season 11 Sarah Jane
Xmas Carol Flying Sharks invade the con
Torchwood Candid
I did some wandering, bumping into various other cosplayers and having fun taking some shots and catching up with folks. I ran into Chris (dragoniching, Quiana (qchan), Ewan (E-Wan), Angel, Stephen (Cheapasair), Steve and his Victory Dalek (azdavros), and others. Kevin Roche's Tiki Dalek was making early rounds offering cocktails and island talking as it roamed the halls. Jay Bloom, one of the Cybermen in our Masque skit, arrived around this time suited up in my D84 VOC Robot costume I loaned out so it could get a little floor time at this Gally.
Jay is suited up and ready to roam as D84 VOC Robot
Five and VOC
Robots of Death Part Deux
Ten and Jenny
w/Another Four and Romana II
Kevin C. as Tux Ten
Mechdesign's Cushing era Dalek
KPRoche's Tiki Dalek on the prowl
Double Twos photo by Katie Forman
Shortly after I ran into CJ (ceejay10) who had borrowed my Eight costume for the day and we made our way to the Fan Lounge as it was nearing 12 Noon and I'd promised to help for the TARDIS TVM Console photography session. Brian and Paul had arrived and were finishing setting up the two tables. Our Photographer, Scott was finishing getting the extra large photo backdrop (which we'd bought specially for the console) secured in place along with his lights and equipment.
CJ As Eight Photos by Katie Forman
Backdrop now set up for photos at the Console
Brian double checks the console
Paul sets up his table
Teri arrived to do write down names of folks and align it with the photos as we realized this would move much faster to email everyone than download images onto USB/Memory cards as the volume of people was much higher than what we were used to for Cosplay Portrait photography. C.J. managed the line and I helped with the TARDIS bits and Tip Jar.
Sarah Jane back in Genesis of the Daleks
Teri as Sarah Jane (Revenge of the Cybemen) Photos by Katie Forman
Scott sets up for photography
Candid of Me helping the line at the Console Photo shoot - by Katie Forman
Teri checks fans in for the TARDIS Console photography - by Katie Forman
CJ helps with the photography line by Katie Forman
It was a little overwhelming, but it was a lot of fun to see the looks on people's faces as they got to see the console up close and get their pictures taken. A lot of cool poses were struck and fans walked away happy. We made it through about 65 people on the first day and that was the tip of the iceberg. Afterwards, Brian worked on roping off the console and getting it ready for it's interactive sounds/lights demonstration for fans for the rest of the day.
At the console as Four Photo by Scott Sebring
Team TARDIS on Friday Photo by Scott Sebring
CJ Stands in for Eight at the Console Photo by Scott Sebring
More fun with Eight Photos by Scott Sebring
For those who had their photo taken at the Console and did not receive an e-mail, you can see or download your photos at the following links:
http://www.flickr.com/photos/8028861@N06/sets/72157629075559956/ SATURDAY
http://www.flickr.com/photos/8028861@N06/sets/72157629440429827/ SUNDAY
http://www.flickr.com/photos/8028861@N06/sets/72157629075728818/ Trio of Eights
Pensive Eights Photo by Katie Forman
Katie Forman aka The Ricketandoo as Vengeance on Varos Peri Brown
qchan as Leela photos by Katie Forman
Leela and K9
Eleven Photo by Katie Forman
The Season 15 TARDIS Crew
Soon after the photography session, I had to leave for the 1:00PM photo call with Louise Jameson. I figured I was dressed as Four, I ought to get a picture with Leela! While inside Qchan got her photo with AZdavros aka Steve's fab K9 replica and he was cool enough to keep him around a few extra minutes for my picture too. Louise was very sweet and happy to give me an 'action pose.' She surprised me by asking for my scarf as we crouched down so she could wrap it around her neck! Very cool lady. Season 15 crew reunited!!!!
My Froggy's Photo with the real Leela - Louise Jameson and K9 in Action Pose!
Afterwards I had a precious 20 minutes to hit the Dealer's room. I took a quick look around, noting the cool BF audios, t-chirts, CO toys, novels, bags, jewelry, arts & crafts and other cool items on display. My priority was autographs form the 10th Planet sponsored guests so I lined up and quickly and easily got signatures in my ever rowing 500 Year Diary from Maureen O'Brien (Vicki), Caitlin Blackwood (Amelia Pond) and Camille Coduri (Jackie Tyler). All three were very nice and sweet. Maureen O'Brien laughed at my Diary thinking I was being very ambitious having such a long serving diary. Caitlin and her mom were very complimentary to my costume and Camille was just a sweetheart. Both Richard Franklin and William Russell were away so I'd have to swing back for them.
The 500 Year Diary / Autograph Book
The 10th Planet Autograph Table with Maureen O'Brien and Camille Coduri
I was stopped by Director Toby Haynes at this point who was pretty impressed with my Tom Baker costume. "The scarf colors, the hat, the striped tie all look superb. You've even got the TARDIS key! That's amazing!" I gave him the logline version of the costume and how it was made and then gave him a couple of jelly babies which sent him him away laughing and smiling.
5th Doctor
I made a final pit stop at my friend Dale's table because he always has the best retro Who stuff. I was tempted on a few picture disc records but finally settled on buying a number of vintage pins and buttons (for me and my friend's son). I grabbed about half and had to leave the rest on hold with him while I went for more cash.
Vintage pin and buttons scored from the Dealer's Room
Amy Pond The Girl Who Waited - 2nd Photo by Katie Forman
The Cosplay 101 Panel
Now I had to make a dash across the hall to the Scottsdale room for my first panel: the ever-trusty Cosplay 101 Panel. I co-modded this with Johanna (Britgeekgirl), Scott Sebring, and Lyn Adams (1ucifer). This can usually cover quite a wide range of topics but I feel between all of us we covered pretty much all of the basics well in terms of form/feel vs accuracy vs budget. We also talked little tricks to help those starting out, importance of fabric stores, thrift stores, reference materials and thinking outside the box. I made a point to share a recent find at Michael's I saw in the jewelry crafts section- where you could get a Question Mark pin for $2.00 - buy two , paint them red with some acrylic and you have two easy to apply/cheap question marks for your starter Five or Six shirts.
The Michael's Question Mark Decals I recommended for Five/Six Cosplayers on a budget.
The Cosplay 101 Panel
I felt we helped some folks overall and I heard good feedback about this panel later. Although we had some fun with cosplay horror stories with a few of the guests. Michael (our Delgado Master) had the worst story about a Harry Potter character gone wrong which I won't repeat here! It's the staple panel so of course it'll be back next year.
Tired- falling asleep- panel must be winding down
From here I had to race to another panel in the Cosplay Hall. In the meantime, here's a bit of some cool stuff I missed. Paul McGann himself visited the Console about this time and the room was closed off for him. From what I understand he was deeply in awe of seeing the prop again and was very pleased to see how well she had been treated. You could tell he'd had an attachment (rightly so) to the piece. He gladly signed the plaque Paul was getting ready to add to the base of the console (he would eventually have these cast member signatures scanned and etched in metal).
McGann Visits the TARDIS Console Photos by Athena Stamos
Interviewed by Athena Photos by Athena Stamos
McGann also did a fun interview with my friends Brad and Athena which they featured in this nifty video (with other guest interviews- a great encapsulation of Gallifrey One) linked below:
The Interview/Overview of Gallifrey
http://www.craveonline.com/tv/articles/183665-doctor-who-convention-gallifrey-one-2012-video-interviews Bonus Interviews also seen here:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKS_H49k1_U&feature=relmfu A little later on, Daphne Ashbrook visited the Console and had a blast seeing the new interactive features. She playfully posed with the Magnetic Clamp (looking like she was about to clobber Paul with it as she had with McGann on screen!). She happily signed the TARDIS plaque as well!
Ashbrook Visits the Console - Photos by Athena Stamos
Ashbrook signs the TARDIS Plaque- Photos by Athena Stamos
So I felt bad to miss all that nifty TVM Cast and Console reunion, as well as the Caitlin Blackwood Panel Teri got to see. I heard Caitlin was very happy to be there but often gave 1-3 word answers to questions, probably because she was a bit shy and overwhelmed by all the attention! Meanwhile, I was busy racing to my 2nd panel- which turned out to be the Cosplaying as the Doctor Workshop in the Cosplay Hall. I co-modded this with Daniel Pawlik (ninja_risu), Kevin Coppa (oldewordsmith) who ran powerpoint, Steve Ricks (pumpkiny/steve_ricks), Van Donovan (vann) and Ewan Anderson (E-Wan). Teri was nice enough to buy me a sandwich from the much appreciated Lobby Snack bar (which we all hope returns next year) so I was munching a bit for the first 10 minutes of the panel. That's the con life- eat on the go!
Cosplay as the Doctor- Attendees!
Cosplay as the Doctor panel
This was a very WELL attended panel. By the end, it was standing room only. Clearly another staple to keep on the schedule. I feel we covered a lot of good basics here. However, it's clear 1 hour is not enough to do justice to all 11 Doctors and we'll probably pick and choose and go after the more popular ones in future as we were left with a scant 8-10 minutes to cover the much loved 10th and 11th Doctors. Everyone had good contributions, Van on Two, Ewan on Eleven, Steve and Kevin on Ten. They spoke very well on some show and tell GAP trousers, ties and replica coats. Steve had a couple of cool surprises for us during this panel 1) his original made-in-the-80's 6th Doctor coat replica (quite a fine effort considering the limited source material at the time) and a nice video greeting from Costume Designer Louise Page who had previously been a big help to the cosplayers at the 2010 Gallifrey Convention!
Louise Page Intro
Cosplay as the Doctor Panel
We ran a bit overtime which seemed fine as nothing was immediately scheduled after us. And once the panel was over we had a lot of folks coming up to ask follow up questions and go over fabrics, costumes, ties etc etc etc. A very fun and interactive panel! I talked to John Rabon after this who went the extra mile on his nine with a fake large nose and mole to look more like Eccelston and a nifty Auton arm.
John Rabon as Nine with fake mole/nose and Auton arm
CJ and Aubrey model Doctors for us
Talking GAP trousers
Steve's Ten Ties
As a side note I noticed here (and throughout the con) that anytime I was at a place where a Cosplay Meet-up was due to happen, it never seemed to occurring- probably because there was so much else going on! Who Cosplay seems pretty healthy now so I think Johanna and I have agreed to retire the 'official' meet-ups for the time being. People will be welcome to still organize their own gatherings of course for Rivers or the pond paradox or what have you but anything on the schedule seems a moot point unless it's for a specific photo shoot.
Post-Talk After the panel
I had a bit of fun spotting a little girl as a mini-11th Doctor who specifically asked for a photo with me which was nice. Maybe I bribed her with jelly babies?
Sarah also pulled me aside and I noticed her SJS Ark in Space jumpsuit was zipped a but low and um... revealing. And she told me it was all about upping the hotness factor and keeping her a little cooler. Fair enough. She then asked for some sexy Sarah Jane pictures so she could show off some cleavage and abs with the appropriate Doctor. I agreed but had to quickly announce to those taking pics that this of course would NOT HAPPEN in Season 12-14 and was NOT CANON. NOT CANON! So we goofed off and took several funny and revealing shots of Four and Sarah Jane. She put a jelly baby in her bra which she promptly lost as well.
Me as Four with Sarah doing her Sexy Sarah Jane pics
Sarah loses her cleavage jelly baby
After this, she requested other Doctors and each of them got in on the act. Before I knew it we expanded to QUITE a large group of Doctor surrounding their companion (after Sarah told me a few times that my hat or my wig was blocking her 'awesome abs' and I had to shift over a few times!) And where... was Captain Jack or River during this I wonder? Oh well. Good fun was had.
Other Doctors (Four, Ten and Two) join in on the action.
Then Doctors slowly amass
Sexy Sarah Jane and her Harem of multiplying Doctors
Ten with a Bouquet of Roses
Indominatable! With a duckified companion for Slytherinquoll
After this, I rushed to catch the tail end of the more Music of Doctor Who Panel with my friends Ramie and C.J. Teri caught the whole thing and I heard this panel was awesome. From the last five minutes I heard them speak of the melodies of Murray Gold in Series 6 (and how he timed the Doctor's theme in 11 beats for the 11th Doctor), and some of the glory of classic compositions from Dudley Simpson or the awakening moment in Tomb of the Cybermen. It seemed like a cool panel that I felt bad for missing it. However!!!!! I've been told this panel was recorded and will be up for podcast soon- as soon as it goes up I will update this entry with a link as I anxiously await to hear it myself!
More Music of Doctor Who Panel
At the panel
Speaking of Podcasts, I'm going to take a minute to mention one of the other Main Ballroom events I missed was the live Radio Free Skaro podcast. Now they put this up so we could all could listen to it after the fact and they even did some nice interviews and coverage with the guests which I think is awesome for those who couldn't attend the con or people like myself that didn't have time to see any of the main Marquis Ballroom panels! Long live the internet!
Live Gally Podcast with Coduri, Haynes, Russell, Edwards and Fisher-Becker
http://www.radiofreeskaro.com/2012/02/17/radio-free-skaro-295-radio-free-skaro-and-the-world-of-tomorrow/ (A Video of the above is coming soon which I'll link to when it's up)
Gally Prep:
http://www.radiofreeskaro.com/2012/02/12/radio-free-skaro-293-occupy-gallifrey/ Podcasters meet:
http://www.radiofreeskaro.com/2012/02/16/radio-free-skaro-294-the-dog-days-are-over/ Donna, Rose, Rory
Scarf dress and Clockwork Robot
Scarecrow and Femme Spacesuit Ten
So I had a few spare minutes. I spotted some neat cosplay like a Human Nature Scarecrow, Femme Spacesuit Ten, a Clockwork Robot and a interesting scarf-dress/femme four.
Victory/WWII Dalek demands to serve Tea
I had JUST enough time to pop back in the dealer's Room and get Richard Franklin (Mike Yates) autograph for my Diary. A nice guy, he was very humble and gracious in the 30 seconds we chatted and I told him how much I dug his character turn in Invasion of the Dinosaurs. No sign of William Russell. He'd have to wait until Saturday.
Dan as Spacesuit Ten
K9 Roams the halls
Steve Controls and speaks for K9 on the sidelines
Now I had to skip back to the Scottsdale Room to mod 21st Century Doctor Who Fandom: the Cosplay Factor. I Co-Modded this with Lyn Adams, Johanna Mead, and Courtney Stoker. Scott sadly was unable to make this one as due to logistics he had to go pick up his wife Vickie from Burbank and was essentially stuck in traffic at this point. This was a somewhat last minute panel we added to not talk technique or character but to talk about the phenomenon of cosplay.
Cosplay Factor Attendees
An interesting topic that while fun to do, I think we've all agreed this panel won't return as it doesn't deserve an hour to itself and it was probably the most sparsely attended of all the Cosplay Panels. Why is Cosplay of Dr. Who on the rise the last 5 years? Simple and sum up: The New Series (getting bigger airplay SciFi and now especially on BBC America) and the widespread info Internet. Honorable mention for Blu-ray discs and all the nifty easy to find DVD releases of older stories with restored images for screengrabs.
Cosplay Factor Panel
That said I had a BLAST doing this one! Now by this time, I was running around a lot, and had very little to eat and essentially was in that kind of fevered, exhausted, adrenaline state where essentially you feel like you're drunk without having consumed any alcohol. So I had a whale of a time really riffing on cosplay and the various reasons and factors behind it. We all seemed to bounce off each other well but I did make it a point that we'd HAVE to determine WHAT the Cosplay Factor was. I came up with a loopy definition based on all the large points we'd talked about throughout the panel which happened to be recorded and can be played back for your viewing enjoyment now:
End of the panel:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JAKyo3sGm_Q With my panels over, I went back to the Cosplay Hall where I met up with my UK fan contact who was holding THE McGann and McCoy TVM Costumes! We had started to take them out and then realized we ought to bring them in to be seen next to the console for a photo op. The handful of fans (including several folks dressed in their eight outfits) followed us over for closer looks and pictures.
Dressing McGann
Now I was happy I had my body form! We dressed it up in the McGann outfit and it was a really lovely costume! Of course the Coat was indeed green which had quite a sheen to it! Some of the seams looked slightly worse for wear and as I understand one of the shoulders had to be repaired recently and one of the cuff buttons had gone missing. Otherwise it was really a sight to behold. We set it up on the form next to the console which was pretty cool. There was probably about a dozen of us looking over each item and snapping away pictures as several of our 'replica' velvets were matched. None of us were really all that close sadly - in real life it was a shade of green you'd never think to look for! We also did a quick comparison to the replica waistcoat fabric confirming what I knew from my swatch- good pattern, too dark a color. If we can ever fix this or afford another mill, we will but all in all still a good effort.
Waistcoat comparison (replica vs the original)
McGann in the TVM
Details on the McGann Costume:
1) The shirt is off-the-shelf. Everything else is custom made.
2) The Coat is indeed green. No pockets whatsoever. Officially called Sage Green by the designer but in real life more of a murky moss green. Still tends to photograph brown or black or other shades of green depending on the light and certainly not what it's real-life color read is. No wonder we've had such a hard time with this!
3) The Coat buttons are the domed basket spiral weave as suspected. They are a pale green color.
4) The Coat lining is indeed a paisley. It's a raised texture/quilted look in a drab dark olive green color.
5) The Cravat is kind of an oyster/taupe silk. It is pre-tied and closes/attaches around the back of the neck.
6) Cravat silk matches waistcoat silk. The silk I use for my current cravat turned out to be a VERY close color match actually.
7) Waistcoat has silver and black buttons. Back angled period shoulder seam. Functional pockets. As confirmed by my swatch the pattern is dead on to the replica fabric run but the color is lighter.
Biggest surprises for me were the final three points:
8) The shirt buttons and cufflinks are gold and with green/jade color stone inlays.
9) The trousers are grey - lighter than I suspected. Vintage high waisted style. The fabric is not gabardine but a heavy course wool - similar to cavalry trousers or vintage WWI trousers. Keeps it period I suppose. They are not cuffed and have a button up fly.
10) Suspenders are also grey with thin stripes, Y-backed w/brown leather button fastenings similar to Troughton's style.
Shoes, watch/chain and cravat pin not included so no info there.
McGann in the TVM
McGann Costume
All of the replica Eight Coats around us including my own were all mostly too emerald in tone or simply too dark to the real thing. But then again all we had to go on were publicity pics and the TV on-screen read (with dark lighting/color grading) before this so it was to be expected really.
Color Shift- With flash Photo by Scott Sebring
Color shift- no flash- room light Photo by Scott Sebring
Comparing Velvets- Room light Photo by Scott Sebring
Comparing velvets- flash Photo by Scott Sebring
Comparing velvets on my Camera
Sal Holds the vest
Vickie's Ambassador of DEATH!
Then we put the McGann down and dressed the form with the TVM McCoy costume. I was surprised just how much TEXTURE was in virtually every piece (save the shirt) that wasn't present or only mildly present on screen. The vest had a prominent paisley, the tie really had a contrast zig zag, and the trousers had a very BOLD check pattern that you couldn't make out as well on screen. In many ways a little more eye opening than the McGann costume had been!
Details on the McCoy Costume:
1) The Shirt (which sports a breast pocket), Jacket, Tie are all off-the-shelf.
2) The Jacket has light tan elbow patches and a faint blue color thin stripe.
3) The Tie is knitted, hence the design and texture and has two other knitted fabric styles around the neck and down the back hidden side.
4) The waistcoat is custom made from a thick paisley/floral textured red upholstery fabric, w/ deep bronze buttons, and a matching red color acetate back with a nice sheen.
5) The trousers are custom made. They are indeed dark green gaberdine with a much bolder check pattern than you'd expect. Zip fly. They are cuffed at the bottom.
Shoes, hat and hatband not included- so no info there.
McCoy TVM Costume
McCoy in the TVM
Double 11's, Double Shetlands, Double Steves
During this Costume pow-wow I was missing the Camille Coduri panel (and I hear she was a riot- clearly preferring Tennant's Doctor to Eccelston's) as well as Paul and Jake McGann's Panel. Teri attended these and told me all about them including a highlight where Paul McGann sang for the audience. It's a lovely moment captured here for everyone to see again:
Paul McGann singing:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBLMs6-Yvl8&feature=related After the Console/Costumes photography, we brought the costumes back into the Cosplay Hall so people could continue to get a close look at both of them. While inside my UK friend took out his bag where he showed off a handful of small costume pieces. Most prominent was Turlough's Tie from Season 20 (with a vintage BBC logo inside) very neat stuff to see!
Mark Strickson's Turlough's Tie
Turlough with the Tie
I'm very thankful for this individual to have brought these items over to share with the fans. We felt bad some people missed out so we agreed to meet again for a 2nd look at the McGann costume Sat evening at 5PM and to spread the word to those who couldn't attend today.
McCoy's Costume gets another look in the cosplay hall
McGann's Costume gets another look in the cosplay hall
After he left with the costumes I took a photo of 5 of the Eight cosplayers who'd been looking over the original to get the moment on camera. Five Eighth Doctors, all over the moon!
Five very happy Eights
Femme S18 Four
About this time Opening Ceremonies were Starting. Now C.J. had left to change but he'd left the vest and coat with me for further comparison, so Sal and I were carrying these in hand to the Main ballroom, which I hadn't been in ALL day. I knew with all on my plate the sacrifice would probably be pretty much ALL of the main ballroom panels but it's the trade off you get when you cosplay in my opinion.
I did make the Opening Ceremonies though which had Tadao doing a cute Max Headroom (it was Gally's "Network 23" after all) take-off introducing the guests, and Shaun Lyon read a funny letter to Gallifrey from Steven Moffat. You can see this reading of the letter below:
Opening Ceremonies
Steven Moffat's Message to Gally 23:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cW-tFmc3mjM&feature=related After the ceremonies, I wandered for a bit. I was caught off guard by Matt Hearn cosplaying Tony Lee (in honor of his absence!). Kevin Coppa showed me his Scaroth costume in-progress... (the mask had just been re-made but still needed painting- who says costume construction dosn't happen at Gally????). I dropped off the eight costume and some of my Four in the hotel room and grabbed the props, audio CD's and boom box to re-meet folks back down in the cosplay hall for a final round of skit rehearsals.
Matt Hearn cosplays (the sadly absent) Tony Lee
The Brigadier!
Helen A (The Happiness patrol) - Killjoy ready to take out Jo Grant (Curse of Peladon) and Zoe (the Invasion)
Kevin Coppa Shows off his Scaroth costume- mask still to be painted
We ran the Companion Game a couple of times with Erik filling in for Kevin K. would wouldn't arrive until the next day. That went well- the 4 days of pre-hearsing served us well there!
Rehearsing the exhibition skit: Companion Game
Blake as Day of the Moon 60's Rory
Worn out Scott w/ Teri as Sarah Jane
Teri and Erik doing the Four/Sarah Jane "Cliffhanger Scream!"
Then we jumped into rehearsing the Morbius Skit. Now I have to be honest. I was having a bit of a freak-out at this point because NONE of my other skit audio CDs were playing. I thought I'd burned them all as Data files by accident or something! Luckily we had the rehearsal rough version of the Morbius audio so we went on and rehearsed with that so we didn't lose too much time. It was the first time we had EVERYONE together for this but it came out well and I think we got this down within about 30 minutes.
Rehearsing the Morbius Skit on Friday Night
Aubrey and April as Solon and Condo save Morbius's Brain
Myself as Morbius is taunted by Amanda and Rachel as the Sisters of Karn
Erik practices reading while I scare Sarah off
Can you withstand the HUG of Morbius?
Defeating Condo in wrestling with non-existant CLAW
Mindbending with Scott as the 4th Doctor
Kevin fills in for me Mindbending while I direct a bit off-camera
After this, Kevin, Teri, Scott, Vickie, Sarah etc. broke for dinner. I had to run up to get my back up CDs to see if they played and get ready for Malaki, Jay and CJ to run the Cybermen skit. None of these CDs played either! I was pulling my hair out though- I thought for sure I was going to have to drive home and Re-Burn every CD and test them to make sure they played.
Stephen, Ewan and Angel returning from the room party with cocktails
Last minute save #3 - crappy boom box. Well I had a collapse moment in the Hallway by the con suite to drink a soda and munch a Clif bar as I didn't have time for a proper dinner. I ran into Malaki & Christina in the Hall and he sympathized. Johanna stopped to give her condolences too. Malaki felt the pain, he'd spent all Friday in his room finishing applying the fabric skin with his wife to the Giant Adipose Costume! So, he brought his own boom box down and we tried the discs on that and low and behold - everything played fine. It was my 10 year old boom box just giving up the ghost- whew!!!
(No Cyberman rehearsal pics as I left my Camera in Teri's possession at that time)
So we ran the skit for about half an hour with everyone including Erin and Katie (our Ace and Nyssa) and it went fine. It was really a brush up as we'd run it about 3 times previously and it was only 2 minutes. We fine tuned a few things and the guys rehearsed in helmets to get an idea of field of vision. And that was that. At the last minute I decided to recruit a Doctor for the "wacky Neighbor" so I put that in motion.
Clockwork Robot and Madame Du Pompadeur
Rehearsing the Partners in Crime/Adipose Skit Later on Friday evening
Finally I set up the Adipose/Partners in Crime skit and we got that rolling a bit late since Kevin C. was late returning from dinner and I was busy pre-filling out all the Masquerade forms for all 4 of the entries. This skit probably took the most ironing out as we had run this about twice before but never with Jennifer (our Donna) so we had to run it a lot to make sure everyone was in synch with cues and the mimed dialogue. I put on my director had and fine tuned it as much as I could. Malaki and I felt we finally got it into a good place once we refined the final chase and some of the business everyone would do when NOT speaking.
Adipose cast does the 500 Miles of Rassilon
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-8OVB1liVr8&feature=youtu.be After rehearsing the cast did a bit for the 500 Miles of Rassilon video Lee was doing as a response to the video that was done by cast/crew for Series 4 of Doctor Who. I know this is still being put together (and I contributed myself on Sunday) but I'll put this up when it becomes available.
One and Barbara (and Aubrey as Seven) at LobbyCon
The rehearsals ran so long I forgot to pop my head into the 1st evening Cosplay Panel: "Masquerade vs. Cosplay" in the Scottsdale Room at 11:30pm. If anyone attended this one, please let me know how it went and if you feel it's worth repeating next year as I'm looking over what panels to keep and what to drop and replace for next year.
Happy Two Photo by Katie Forman
So with all the rehearsing done and a big relief about the state of the audio CDs, I checked din with Teri who was happy after eating and she was heading for bed. I dropped off the boom box and a few props (some of which I left down in the Cosplay Hall behind our tables though). And took a wander through Friday Night lobbycon. I had some fun with other cosplayers, got some cash for the next day, had a long chat with Katie and Lindsay, approved of Bryan's Sutekh drinking Duff beer and snacked on some con suite food/soft drinks. Good friends, good food, good conversation. I wished it could go on but I was pretty much dying at this point as several people (including Vann and britgeekgirl) pointed out and eventually pointed me to bed.
Goofy Femme Eight Photo by Katie Forman
Ewan as Eleven with a sea of Rivers
Ewan feels the need to try the new Lake Silencio Dance
Sutekh- the new Spokesman for Duff beer
Katie shows off her retro 40's look
Ewan has fun as Lodger football Eleven
I finally stumbled back up to my room, planned my schedule for the next day referencing my program and crashed. And this was only Day One!
Part III (Saturday) of the Gallifrey One 23 Con Report Continues here:
http://dw-cosplay.livejournal.com/1269496.html - Saturday
http://dw-cosplay.livejournal.com/1269711.html - Saturday Night / Masquerade
http://dw-cosplay.livejournal.com/1274194.html - Sunday