Calling S5 Cosplayers! (Or Season 1, Frnag)

Jan 21, 2012 10:42

Hello again! It's me. I hope this is the right place to post- if not then I do apologise...

I'm working on a fanzine based on the 11th Doctor for release around Easter. The issue focuses around the first Matt Smith season with interviews from actors and (hopefully) directors and more. I would also like to feature cosplay in the feature in two ways which, if you would all be so kind, need help with!

1) I am after any S5 Cosplayers to send photos in which we could use in photoshopped montages for a S5 Inspected article. In particular: The Doctor, Amy, Rory and River Song however monsters and others would be very helpful! Those who participate, depending on numbers, will either recieve a discount on the fanzine or a free copy.

2) I would also like to run a feature on various cosplays, almost "a guide to cosplaying S5 Characters." Therefore- I was wondering whether some of you would be interested in being interviewed for the fanzine about your cosplays etc?

If you are interested, please comment or email me at doctorwhoreversethepolarity @ gmail . com (ignoring the spaces.)

Many thanks for your time and I look forward to your response!

PS: Does anyone know somewhere that will print images on ties? Working on the Raggedy Doctor...

article, tie, doctor: eleven, request

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