More Forever 21, cus Forever 21 is ridiculous

Oct 08, 2011 15:19

Sorry I've been spamming the comm so much guys. Anyway, I just found another alt for an Amy jacket on the Forever 21 website, and thought I'd post it here. Also, in the store I found the closest look alike I've found yet for Amy's The Pandorica Opens jacket, I just can't seem to find it online. I took a pic with my phone, so when I figure out how to get it off there I'll edit this entry. But it was fake leather (black, not characol alas), opened up with a waterfally-design (wasn't perfect, the different material used for it was ribbing, not suedey, and it didn't fall the same) and it had RIBBED SLEEVES O: So not perfect but, the closest O: I'll try to figure out more about it?

And as for the other find, I have an alt for The Doctor's Wife/The Girl Who Waited jacket. Obviously not perfect but, the color's right! :)

And here's the link-

Originally I had another jacket I was posting from Forever 21 for Rory's teameyjacket from Let's Kill Hitler/Amy wears it in The Wedding Of River Song, but upon closer inspection it's really not that close so I'm actually not posting it. But I hope showing this jacket and, er, mentioning the other one was of any help? O:

retail, companion: amy, episodes: tpo/tbb, jacket, episode: the doctor's wife

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