My Mad Quest to Make a Perfect Season 16/17 Scarf: Conclusion

Jan 29, 2014 21:09

So, after declaring this particular scarf done, I suppose I could call this the Mark One. While I’m happy with how it’s turned out, there are still a few things that I’ll need to revise on the pattern:

- To properly study the wrong-side of Join 3, and attempt to replicate it.

- A few more good reference shots for Join 4, as only while making these posts did I realize that it appears to be missing about a third of a row of yellow.

- To source some Lighter Worsted or DK weight yarn in the proper colors on the Duplicate half, as well as try out sport weight yarn to see how it changes the drape.

- To learn how to make a provisional cast-on and try out Rainbow’s suggestion in the comments for replicating the Duplicate’s bleached sections.

I’ve only recently discovered, which looks like it has a wealth of information that could improve the structure of the scarf. Not being a very experienced knitter, I’m certain that there are numerous techniques that I’m unaware of that would have made the scarf sturdier and probably simpler.

In addition, I would be gratified if anyone was offering advice or another opinion on any of the aspects of the scarf I may have overlooked.

Along with that, I’m looking for a few things to more accurately document the screen-used scarf. In particular, a way to capture screens from the DVDs at their maximum resolution. Many of the pictures are from the DVDs, but taken using the Print Screen function on my computer and are very blurry. It would be a great boon to see many of those pictures with more clarity.

Lastly, although I don’t use knitting shorthand simply because I’ve never bothered to learn it, if anyone would like to translate the pattern into shorthand, feel free to.

Until I start on my next one, that's about it! Thanks everyone for reading and responding!

doctor: four, crafting, scarf, replica

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