Feb 07, 2006 14:59
"Do you have any clue what this feel like! Do you have any fucking clue as to what's going through my head right now. Here I am, inches away from the one person I've never been able to get over in my entire life, and I'm being asked to make believe that we love each other. The problem is, you're just acting, and me, I'm being as real as I've ever been in my entire life. You're just reciting lines, and I'm trying to act an emotion that's burning in my soul.you're blocking a scene, and in my mind, We're dancing the most beatiful dance the world has ever witnessed. You see, this is just another job for you, this is just another day on stage, but to me, to me, this is beauty, this is something that the entire world should see. Why do you think people come to the theatre? For the entertainment, maybe, but its far more than that, they come searching, they come to look for that one thing that their life has been missing, and they want to walk away from here with a new reality, with a new perspective on things they've seen their entire life. That's why this is art, that's why this is real! So you do me a favor, just do me one favor and I'll never bother you for the rest of your life. For once in our lives, just this one week out of the entire future, act like there's something between us, please, just act like you've got even the slightest feeling for me somewhere within you."