Jul 29, 2005 12:38
It's these early stage of a relationship that really sends your heart a-flutter. Just replaying thoe special moments over and over and the feeling of butterflies in the pit of your stomach, it's quite a revitalizing experience, it's the time when you're constantly fighting between feeling and safety. So many times we've all stood on the threshold of pleasure, this pinnacle of pure ecstacy and joy, yet so many times this feeling has ended in harsh words and dirty looks. Yet, somehow or another, through no fault of our own, we once again find ourselves willing to sacrifice heart and soul for this chance that maybe, you've finally, find "the one." What tangled webs we weave, getting hurt and swearing off all relationships forever, then turning right around and being struck by a lightning bolt of feeling and passion. Passion; it has been written that when an Ancient Roman died, the society of Rome only asked one question of him before his burial, "did he have passion." for no matter how hard we all try to hold onto what we have in this world, the painful truth is that, eventually, we all have to leave this mortal coil. Yet, when we do, what is it that sets us apart from everyone else that ever lived? money, no, it's passed on to your next of kin, big woot. is it your career? no, they'll most likely replace you in 2-4 weeks. The one thing that sets us all apart in death is the passion with which we lived.
So if all we have is our passion, then what are we all afraid of, we have been born with feelings for a reason, yet when the time comes we all find ourselves cowering at the idea of time, distance, or commitment. Why make excuses of love, when love is within us all? Why be afraid? We as a society need no longer be afraid of passion, because passion is the soul that drives us, to hold ourselves back from our own destinies because of a loss of words, a fear of feelings, or a uncertainty of the future is simply perpostrous. We have become people who climb to the top of social caste systems, we attack the career ladder with untold fury, each vying for their own spot at the top, so why stop there? Love is the true treasure in life, money burns and fades, but the love we share, and the lives we live together will forever be emblazened upon the minds and souls of each other. Let us as a people embrace the passion we feel. Let us live our lives, unafraid of love, if you like her, tell her, if you get butterflies when you kiss, then kiss again, seek that love with whom you have thought about forever, let us not be afraid of telling each other how we feel, what we think, and who we love, for if we all died tomorrow, the fear we have today would be the most of that special someone we'll ever know.