Aug 18, 2008 15:18
Poetry time! Yet another one that just popped into my mind last night.
In the dark is a mirror,
Floating and free.
Its black reflection stares
Unseeing at me.
I walk forward, brave,
Curious and scared.
For as I look upon the image,
Not well has it faired.
My past is there beside me,
Though I am alone,
Passing through familiar scenery
Of meek and somber tone.
I witness what could have been
In every memory,
A cobweb of lost decisions
In a hollow tree.
The face in the mirror shows me,
What I couldn’t see before,
A resolution of terms put forth,
Written on my core.
No longer can I be a spider,
Ever reworking my strands.
I must hold tight the present thread,
With unfaltering hands.