Ya know what's really NOT COOL? When an author updates a fic that you follow and love dearly, you get all excited cause you thought it was over and start thinking "Oooohhhh an epilogue maybe? Or an outtake?" and then you click to find a pimp for a DIFFERENT STORY!!!! It's just downright rude to get people's hearts all racing cause they think that you've actually updated and then slam them with "here, check this one out." Which I'm not even sure you're supposed to do on ff.net. Am I right? Don't the rules say that you can't just post an A/N, you have to actually post a chapter? UGH! Oh and especially when you're sick, in bed, with nothing else to do but read fic and you're running out of options because nobody is fucking updating anything you want to read.
EDIT: Oh I forgot how much I love
angstgoddess003 's writing. Reading
Withering The Ferns and it's making everything better so far. So thanks AG for making the sickiness bearable.