First Entry...

Jan 08, 2004 15:36

Hey! Well yep yep I now i have a live journal!! Since everyone at school said i should get one too...does this mean I'm cool now?! LoL...hmm.Today wasnt my day. I was so tired...i still am. I only got 'bout two hours of sleep last night. Well partly it's my fault because I was on the phone until 2:15 in the morning...wasn't very tired. Damn Pepsi's. But I forced myself to finally hit tha' hay kuz I had to get up at 6am. I wasnt asleep for too long...when i had the worst fuckin' nightmare in the world. I had a dream that i got raped. It was so real i wanted to cry. I usually sleep on my side...and in my dream i was exactly how i fell asleep. And WHOEVER it was that was doing this, was behind me. I couldnt see who it was at all. But i could feel his warm breath on my neck and hear him breathing hella heavy in my ear. And he had me pinned down...just with one hand on my one arm...Hella strong. I couldnt move...I couldnt scream...nothing. This is the scariest part. I felt a hand pulling downward on the side of my underwear. Thats when i hella moved...and i woke up. It was horrible. I woke up shaking..and my heart beating faster than i've ever felt. I felt like crying but the tears just wouldnt fall. And the weirdest part is that when i woke up i was hurting...ummm u know where. I wanted to call up Alex and tell him all about it kuz i was scared shitless and i didnt wanna go back to sleep. But eventually i guess i did.And maybe he wouldnt believe me. Even i can admit this sounds so fake. It seems like a movie or something...but i put it one everything important to me in my life that this happened. I told Divina about it and she said maybe it wasnt a dream. But it couldnt have possibly been a real person because first of all how would someone get into my room, and secondly...they were gone when i finally managed to turn around. It was eerie though 'cause after it was still felt like someone was there, like a presence. Then today it occured to me that when i was talking to Alex, i said something stupid. He always makes fun of me when i say "OMG" by responding "what about your God?" and i said " I dont have a GOD" which i was joking about. When i remembered i said this i was like " OH SHIT " ...could it have anything to do with this? I'll admit Im a very superstitious person..and i believe in ghosts and all that crazy shit...but this seems a little far-fetched even for me to believe! Anyways...since this crazy ass dream or who knows what...It put me in a bad mood today. Like not so much bad but just depressed. Ive been hella emotional lately like having these dramatic mood swings where one minute im laughing so much its annoying to people, and the next im crying. Ive been crying a lot lately.Maybe somehow this all ties in together?? Ehh.......i Dunno. But yea im done. I cant think of anything else to say, and i probably said too much already putting all this shit out there but i dont care. Bye.
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