(no subject)

Jan 29, 2006 02:21

i haven't updated in so long that i don't know where to begin. i can't really update about my christmas break because there's too much to tell and it was too long ago now. the sad thing is that it was only 3 weeks ago, but tour makes that seem like a long time. sufficed to say, i am now in a relationship with kelly knowlson...as much as you can be in a relationship with someone when you spend all of your time hundreds of miles from them. but the christmas break was great and i'm looking forward to february which i get to spend at home.

does anyone have any data to back up my conjecture that when you have legitimate feelings for another person, you get worse at doing the things that make you the person you are? no, just me? just checking. i know that sounds crazy, but when i started dating this girl my junior year of high school i had a little stretch where i sucked ass on auditions-- so much so that i didn't make things that i had previously made and been principle. i thought it had to do with me spending time with her and not practicing. fast forward to now. problem is, i don't practice on the road that much. we've played over 100 shows....i got it, aight?! and yet here i am at the beginning of a relationship and i'm having a lot of mental errors in the show. this afternoon, i started my spiel "the stunt that you're about to witness here this afternoon is one of the most terrificly terireoa;igehaghdfjd;fheighrenfjdbfjdejdieofhehiufg..." something like that. then i dropped a stick for the second day in a row. and i swear there are parts of the show where i play the same fill every night, except for today when i seemed to lose all control of my limbs and bodily functions. lots o' shit to clean up in the red cube both literally and figuratively.....ok not literally. this is me overanalyzing things, but it is troubling nonetheless.

anyway, we're playing in st. louis and that's kinda cool. there's a FOX theater here too. ours in the ATL is way better though, raise UP! it is nice. i also went up the arch yesterday. very cool. it's such a cool looking landmark. it's like the handle of the giant handbasket that is the planet earth.

ok, i'm gonna go stand in front of a mirror and tell myself to "LOCK IT UP!!" "YOU LOCK IT UP! "LOCK IT UP!"
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