I should have known better than to expect to get so much work done on a Friday. Fridays are like if you try to build your own frankenstein and zap it with lightning, nothing happens.
In other news, apple threw up the trailer for
that fantastic four movie today. It looks decent, although I think they could have done without the '4 ever' in the trailer. Start getting excited because it comes out July 1st. That's right, weeeo, I'm so psyched, and I'm gonna stay psyched for almost half a year. I swear they keep announcing movies earlier and earlier before they come out. I don't want to know what movies I'll be watching this summer, I want to know what's playing this weekend.
Speaking of things like '4 ever', my school, one of the top tech schools in the country, distributed Career Development Center bookmarks with the title "are you connected" written as "r u connected". How retarded is that? I'm supposed to trust the CDC, the people who are supposedly going to tell me how to get a job, as they write like a 12 year old in a chat room. Slick move guys. Don't be a gay camper homo fag, s1gn up wit da CDC 4 lyfe aaaaaiight! R U FEELIN' IT? We be da trendiest CDC evah, bitchez. Kohm git da dl on cahreearz.
Please spare me.