Dec 07, 2004 22:46
So we got our shaking, mario-seeking hands on a copy of Mario Party 6 today. From what we’ve played so far it looks to be a very solid game. The boards are still closer to MP5 in design, although they’re much clearer on where one is supposed to go, like MP4. The microphone games are an amusing twist. They’re certainly not as traditional as the mini-games (which are excellent), but there’s still something very partyish about yelling “run! run! run! run! jump! no damnit! run! hurry!” into a little plastic microphone. They also have some nice unlockables, which brings back some nice purpose to the game that I think was more present in MP3 than any of the GC versions. We’d play it more but we decided to wait until our classic crew of four can perhaps get together this weekend and give it a thorough working over. I’m sure I’ll be hoarse from laughing on Monday.
I had more to write about but it’s slipped from my head like- wait! it’s back!
While in the mall getting Mario Party, I saw an amusing version of those ‘plug a joystick into your tv and play games’ devices. This one was a ddr softpad to the letter, and it was playing what I can only describe as the most musically and visually horrid version of ddr I have ever seen. I was very pleased by this. See, if they can release a descecration of a clone of ddr, right down to using the identical hardware, then I should have much less to worry about, legally, in releasing my rhythm game, which I’ve explicitly made to not be the same as ddr so as to not ‘compete’ with their market.
You know, as if one lone developer really ever ‘competes’ with a full-blown company.