Jason Whitlock is a Half-Wit

Jul 06, 2009 15:46

What a tool

Here's my response to that piece of shit that passes for a "sports" article:

Jason, I find it insulting that you reference Serena's weight as a factor in her win/loss record.

She may not be a size two, but she's in great physical shape. Are YOU a size two? Are YOU in tip-top shape?

Let's see you play Serena. I bet she'd have you huffing and puffing and begging to slow down within 10 minutes.

Why is it that men feel it necessary to use a woman's weight as a weapon against her? To shame her? To make her feel less than she is?

Serena seems to me to be, just like many other women, aware of the fact that she's not built to be a twig of a woman, and she's fine with it.

How dare you? I used to respect you for your straightforward, no nonsense manner of presenting your column, but now that you've stooped so low, I don't have one shred of respect for you. As a matter of fact, you've established yourself as just one more pathetic, athlete wanna-be who can't play professionally, so you write instead.

Why don't you post a picture of yourself in a speedo so that we can see what percentage of body fat you're sporting.

If you don't have the cojones to do that, then keep your trap shut about someone else's weight.

Get over yourself, Jason.

Simple son of a bitch. This is what chaps my ass about some men; they think it's okay to make reference to something about a person that is neither none of their fucking business, nor (sometimes) within a person's control.

He can kiss my ass. ALL OF IT.
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