Don't. Do NOT!

Jun 11, 2009 05:52

Attention Sarah Palin: Do NOT engage David Letterman in a battle of wit and intelligence when you bring NOTHING to the fight.


Dave did a top 10 on his show about Palin's visit to NYC. One item on the list said that she bought some makeup to update her slutty flight attendant look, and another said that Alex Rodriguez knocked her daughter up during the 7th inning stretch.

1. Sarah Palin looks like a flight attendant, and all the winking she does could be mistaken by some as suggestive. Just sayin'...

2. Her (now 18 year old) daughter *was* knocked up.

Because she isn't receiving enough attention these days, she went on the John Ziegler radio show to "respond" to Dave's jokes. She said that it must have been a slow news day, and that his attempt at humor was pathetic. Okay, Sarah - you're entitled to your opinion. You responded. Done and over.


She and Todd each issued statements accusing Letterman of glorifying the rape and sexual abuse of a 14 year old girl.


HEY! Mr. and Mrs. Sphincter! Wasn't your 18 year old pregnant? You remember her - the one you trotted out for God and the world to see while you campaigned as a shining example of the "pro-life" stance. So how in the hell do you get that Dave was talking about your 14 year old? Either your memory is way too short term or, as anyone with a brain and at least one firing synapse suspected in the first place, the whole thing with your 18 year old was a pathetic campaign stunt.

And while I'm at it Sarah, if you want anyone to take you seriously, don't go on the radio show of a man who has been fired for using racial epithets (more than once), talked in detail on the air about the anatomy and genital grooming of a Laker Girl he was dating, and admits to having had a very very serious plan to kill OJ Simpson, in order to rant about JOKES that were made about you.

If you're SO CONCERNED about someone making jokes that you need to speak out, then I can only imagine that you are beside yourself when you hear Rush, Newt, and your buddy John Ziegler making hideous statements - not jokes, mind you - about people who aren't white, or who do not share the myopic republican point of view. We'll wait to hear you chastise them once you collect yourself.

Get over yourself, Sarah. None of us are outraged at anything other than you blowing the entire situation out of proportion.
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