Work, eat, sleep. Repeat until nauseated :)
Just checking's everyone here doing? Usually I'm pretty good about keeping up with my flist during radio silence, but I've been slacking on that too lately. I'll try and catch up tonight and tomorrow between vacuuming and cleaning. We ended up volunteering to host the church superbowl party (all are welcome!) so downtime has been devoted to unpacking and trying to whip the place into shape. Fun stuff ;)
In other news, my Indiana holiday curse continues :p. The first time
astinus1 and I went to go visit his Dad for New Year we all got food poisoning at 4am on January a 1 bathroom house. This time I avoided GI troubles but mistakenly washed tea off my clothes (thanks to a doggy accident) with their laundry soap. Hello, allergic contact dermatatis! *sigh* At least the steroid-induced PU/PD didn't last long!
Ok, my brief lunch break is about over. Time to go fix more pets!