Quizzie catch up #1 :)

Dec 20, 2009 19:41

Day 13 -- A fictional book
-Just one? Wow, that's tough! If you haven't read it, I highly recommend My Sister's Keeper by Jodie Picoult. Back when I was working reception over the summer at a vet clinic one of my coworkers loaned it to me (she liked it so much she made every new person there read it). It was the first book in a long while that I couldn't put down, and it definitely has a sucker-punch of an ending! No, I didn't see the movie ;)

Day 14 -- A non-fictional book
-I'm kind of partial to this one. Though as we found out the other day, it doesn't have any good pictures of gingival flaps. The newer edition we have at work also doesn't talk about the good old incisional gastropexy...I have to break out my old green one for that :)

Day 15 -- A fanfic
-Hmm...another tough one. A lot of the ones I started off reading back when I started browsing fandoms in college have gone away now. That happens when things get old - I started off in Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings, and both are sadly a bit past their prime now. I don't tend to save a lot either - I'll read it once and enjoy it (or not), but I'm not big on bookmarking stuff. If you like X-Files, try here, and if you're into the Whoniverse you can't beat here (it's still a WIP, but the writing on this one is quite fascinating, though it's completely AU and is veeeeery long). I don't know where the big HP or LotR collections are anymore, I tend to come across things individually...perhaps I should browse again :)

More later...laundry needs rebooting now!
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