Happy Turkey Day!

Nov 26, 2009 23:57

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope everyone had a wonderful day of food, friends and family (and possibly football if that's your thing). We spent our first Thanksgiving on our own (the past 2 years we crashed the celebration of some church buddies) and decided to have a nice little spread on our card table. astinus1 purchased himself a turkey fryer, and thankfully the house is still standing (and no flames were involved). He also learned how to give IM injections with a 12g needle full of marinade ;) I highly recommend fried turkey - it was very moist :) My first attempt at making the family stuffing recipe also went well - I was clueless in the same way our usual stuffing-maker (Aunt Denise) apparently is. My recipe told me to use a whole stalk of celery, and given that I'm an absolute whiz in the kitchen I couldn't figure out if this was the whole bunch or just one little stalk of the bunch. I guessed and used a few stalks of the bunch. Apparently she didn't know either and usually does the same thing, which is good since it usually turns our fabulously ;) There are plenty of leftover mashed potatoes, candied carrots, rolls, stuffing, turkey and homemade pumpkin pie to keep us stocked for the next week...yum :D

Bailey is doing well! He's currently camped out at my feet on top of some laundry (go figure, I have 2 pets that like to lay on laundry now) chewing on his toy. He had a rough few days thanks to a short course of steroids (holy PU/PD, Batman!) but he's back to being continent ;) We even went for our first run and he did as well as a fat dog can. He did, however, find the kitty box. Dora did not appreciate this. Neither did we. Now there's a baby gate with a sawed off rod blocking the way. Hooray problem-solving! :D

I had another impressive moment last week while bringing in said baby gate. Running with dog causes no problems. Moving boxes causes no problems. Taking dog to dog park (muddy!) causes no probles. Walking down the driveway to my car apparently is problematic, given I fell off the driveway and sprained my ankle. Sometimes my gracefullness amazes even me ;)

Good luck at Black Friday if anyone's going. I'll be in my bed :)

holidays, astinus1

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