FIC: I Said No Foam

May 06, 2009 17:13

Hey.. I'm rather new to well...everything here but thought I'd post this and see what you guys think.

It's straightforward, classic-cut Mirandy. Hope you enjoy.

Title: I Said No Foam
Author: x_bellavita_x
Pairing: Miranda/Andy
Rating: borderline R (for naughtiness) to be safe
Summary: There is a problem with Miranda's coffee
Disclaimer: I own nothing, apart from what goes on in my head...and sometimes not even that
A/N: I have no beta as I don't know anyone! I have checked it over a couple of times for spelling/grammer as I know how frustrating that can be and think its all a-ok..any comments/suggestions would be more that welcome :)
In this universe Paris just *didn't happen*...see how I did that, amazing! Same goes for pretty much the last fifteen/twenty minutes of the movie

And on to the fic (crossing my fingers hoping the link works)

pairing: andy/miranda, all: fiction, rating: r, user: x_bellavita_x

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