Title: It’s All Relative (Chapter 20/Continuing)
Author: hawkbehere (
Rated: PG
Summary: Hawk meanders. Readers become restless, gather pitchforks and other implements of destruction. But wait! The beginning of the Sachs/Priestly family get-together!
Disclaimer: I have no rights in the DWP universe.
A/N. Hugs and kisses from my entire family to you, Martha, my dear. We all love you so much. As always, I thank my sweetheart of a deluxe beta, Mercurychkita, who continually beats me at Scrabble and is the loveliest winner I’ve ever known, in every possible sense of both adjective and noun. You know you have a true friend if she doesn’t laugh at you for spelling “In.” Any remaining errors are mine. Most of the next chapter is done but needs tuning-so very soon.