The Robe -- A Challenge

Feb 15, 2009 12:59

So, we all remember that robe Miranda was wearing when she told Andrea about the divorce, right?
What ever happened to it? Does Miranda still wear it? Did she leave it in Paris? Did she take it home and throw it away/burn it/otherwise dispose of it? Or maybe she brought it home and left it in her closet, as a reminder of that night and of everything that had happened.
So, here is my challenge to you:
Write a fic about the robe. Anyone's POV, as long as the robe and its whereabouts are covered. Any length, any pairing (though I assume Miranda is going to have to be involved, but hey, maybe not!) or no pairing. One-shot, drabble, ficlet, anything works.

And in case you don't remember the robe (or you just want to see it again) a cap is under the cut.

I already know where I'm going with this, but where are you going to take it?

misc: prompts

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