Title: Taking One for the Team
Author: hawkbehere (hawkbehere@yahoo.com)
Rated: M!: Toy(s) alert. Bad clothing alert (I know this is sensitive….)
Pairing: The Original Recipe
Summary: Emily orders Andy to assist with Miranda’s bad mood.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
A/N: I didn’t feel I had the time to join the Valentine's Day exchange (although I look forward to reading everyone’s…stuff). But I couldn’t help pulling out my crayons and paper. So, this is a one-shot dedicated to my beta, mercurychkita. Nothing figuratively conveys the sentiment of two hard candy hearts reading ‘I Luv U’ and ‘Yrs’ quite like a cerulean sweater and a few somewhat kinky pages from a writer one feels duty-bound to read for errors, right? No? I didn’t think so. I do and I am, Merc.
And to all of you in the DWP LJ community, I wish you a very happy Valentine's Day, as well.