Fic: Two Manila Envelopes

Jan 06, 2009 00:07

Title: Two Manila Envelopes
Author: Natalie (silentrevyrie)
Rating: G.
Pairing: None, sorry
 Summary: If you want things done correctly, you're better off doing them yourself.
Prompt: From mirandyscrow: Use "What does Marie Antoinette have to do with this?" in a fic.
A/N: Pure fluff, definite one-shot. As always, comments and reviews are like crack. In a good way.

     Emily…” Miranda called. It didn’t much matter that the new second assistant’s name wasn’t Emily, nor did it matter that the new second assistant was male. He hadn’t earned his name yet. Therefore, he was Emily. It wasn’t more than a few seconds before He-Emily was standing in front of her.
     “Have this to Dalton before 10:50; Cassidy needs it for a project,” Miranda said, handing him a manila envelope. “And take this down to the Art Department; they’ll need it for the spread that’s being re-shot today. Oh, and Starbucks. That’s all.” She handed him an identical envelope. He-Emily nodded and left just as quickly as he’d appeared. Miranda sighed. It was only 10:15 on a Monday morning, and already things didn’t look to be going too well. She had a meeting with Irv Ravitz at 11:15 but had yet to think of a way to get out of it. She could, of course, just not show up, but then Andrea would have a conniption because Irv seemed to believe that, as first assistant, Andrea had the power to control Miranda and Irv would be all over Andrea trying to ascertain Miranda’s whereabouts. Miranda wasn’t sure how this belief began, as it simply wasn’t true, but she was feeling particularly generous today and didn’t feel the need to feed Andrea to the wolves. At least, not yet.
     Miranda had begun to wonder if stabbing herself in the eye with her Montblanc would get her out of the meeting. She was getting desperate; she’d been stuck in a room with Irv and other members of the Elias-Clarke Board of Directors for over an hour, and there were things she really needed to accomplish. The spread that was being re-shot, for instance, was something she felt the need to oversee herself. Testino was set to start shooting at 1:00. Miranda glanced at her watch.
     “Irv,” she interrupted, “I have a re-shoot set to begin at 1:00. Unless you’d like to see $350,000 more go down the drain because I wasn’t there to supervise, thus making a second re-shoot necessary, I’d suggest we wrap this up.” Miranda was the only person who could take up such an attitude with Irv; he knew as well as she did that without Runway, Elias-Clarke would be nothing, and without Miranda, Runway would be nothing. He shot Miranda a quick glare before suggesting that they adjourn for the day. A smug smile crossed Miranda’s face. She snatched her purse off the table and swiftly exited.
      Roy was already curbside with the Mercedes when Miranda made it out of the Elias-Clarke building. She got into the car wordlessly and spent the duration of the ride to the Central Park shoot location on the phone with Nigel, trying to get a feel for what she was going to have to deal with. The phone call left Miranda feeling no better about the re-shoot than she had about the initial one; Nigel had sounded uncertain when he mentioned how they were working in the concept from the photos He-Emily had dropped off that morning. When she got out of the Mercedes, Miranda was floored.
     The set was a madhouse. Miranda tried to take everything in as she walked up behind Nigel. Every. last. model. was wearing a ridiculous white curled wig whose height rivaled that of that blue haired cartoon character. Miranda couldn’t even think straight. What the hell was going on?! 
     “Nigel,” she seethed, making it very clear that she was very unhappy, “would you care to explain what the models are wearing on their heads?” 
     Nigel turned around to face his boss. “The wigs? They’re from the concept shots…It was hell finding them all on such short notice, but I think they bring a certain something to the shoot. I’d never have connected Chanel with Marie Antoinette, but-“
     “What does Marie Antoinette have to do with this?!” Miranda was absolutely bewildered. Wordlessly, Nigel handed her a manila envelope full of photos. Not sketches. Photos. Miranda slid them out of the envelope to look them over. She tried in vain to figure out how the hell photos of Kirsten Dunst as Marie Antoinette were sent down instead of the concept sketches she’d intended, and then it dawned on her. Cassidy’s project. But if the Marie Antoinette photos were at the shoot, then that meant…oh, no.
     Cassidy was confused. Her mom had promised that the new assistant would drop off the photos she needed for her History project on Marie Antoinette. She’d been called to the reception area to pick up an envelope, but there were no photos. Just sketches, and not even very good sketches. What was she supposed to do with those?!

user: silentrevyrie, all: fiction, rating: g, title: two manila envelopes, pairing: none

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