Title: Mighty Andy Morphin' Time or You're a What, Now?
melanacious Pairing: Miranda/Andy Andy/past dalliances in mention Andy/Nigel--umh maybe.
Raiting: 18+ (immaturely Mature) Uhm. Not for kids. I wouldn't even recommend it for adults. I wrote it with eyes closed and under adult supervision.
Disclaimer: I don't own Power Rangers or Batman or Wizard of Oz or Ghost Busters or Devil Wears Prada or anything but my demented imagination.
Author's notes: Uhm ... there's gonna be some serious screwing around with the time line ... and well with everything else. I'm not kidding.
Warnings: Nothing is sacred (I'm not kidding). M/F F/F mentions multiple M's/F's. fun-fic. Though, I've never written one before.
Thanks: A big thanks to the wonderful Beta who jumped on the scary bus with me and stuck with it.
Scaryrobot. You frikkin rock. Any mistakes are my own.
Merry Christmas
ashaelia I used the request:
2. Devil Wears Prada plus a giant robots theme, multiplied by femslash. I'm thinking Power Rangers here, people >_> Gaudy costumes and all! And Reta Repulsa zomg!
Hope you like it, darlin'. Oh and it's kind of long.
Mighty Andy Morphin' Time or You're a What, Now?