July 2021 Fic A Day DWP

Jan 24, 2021 16:17

Hello Hello.

We are doing a July Fic A Day for DWP.  The information is posted on FB, but I wanted to post it here, since all the other ones were hosted here :)

You sign up for a day in July that you will post your fic or art work that is the equivalent of 500+ words.  All pairings and crossovers and such are welcome.  It is not only MirAndy.

You can use the google form to sign up or email my fic email (punkee96@gmail.com).

Here's the google form:  LINK

Want to see who has signed up or what dates are available?  Here's the calendar:  LINK

Happy creating and I look forward to July and more fic and art.

user: punky_96, - mod post

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