Ficathon Entry July 16th "A Hat, Perhaps?" by Associatedbears

Jul 17, 2014 01:45

July Ficathon Entry for July 16th, 2014.
Title: A Hat, Perhaps?
Author: Associatedbears
Rating: M+ angst, historical death of a non-canon character
Pairing: read it and see!
Summary: Sometimes what we find, can connect us to what we have lost.
Disclaimer: I own nothing but any characters starting with a “G”. Crime, Barbarella, Crime.
A/N: Yes, I am back, I haven’t written in this Fandom since 2010. Life, whatdya do?
I’m over the word limit, so my apologies, but this tale wanted to be told!
Thanks to my Twin Flame. X
Thoughts of characters are in Italics
You can find it at my Journal

Please cut and paste the link, LJ hates me tonight and keeps crashing on me. Grrr...

challenge: dragon days, genre: angst, user: associatedbears, all: fiction, genre: hurt & comfort

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