Jan 18, 2014 13:15
Hello All,
First a BIG, HUGE thanks to the 'punkster' for setting up the AWESOME "Dragon Dates: July Fic-A-Thon" again. Last year was just AMAZING.
Now then, I have sadly and unfortunately had an inescapable case of writers block for over a year now, BUT, it seems the only creativity completely lacking is in developing stories.
Fortunately (or not) for the rest of you that means my crazy little mind is FULL of story ideas and prompts. So, in addition to revamping the Poke the Dragon; Wake the Muse comment fic-a-thon this summer (news on that later) my humble contribution to Punky's July Fest is this...
Here's the idea: I've been making a list of two words that at first glance may not have anything to do with our Ladies, however somehow the words have struck me as inspirational. I'm going to post the list I've made and ENCOURAGE EVERYONE AND ANYONE to add to it with comments.
My hope is that something listed might be just exactly what someone was needing to start the creative juices flowing and the result is ANOTHER "DRAGON DATE" for July filled on punky's calender.
Before the list, here's all I ask; Only add TWO WORD prompts The whole point is to ignite the imagination with ONLY TWO WORDS. They may become the Title of the work or the plot point or a sentence in the story or the hidden meaning, anything really.
Here we go...
1. White Leather 17. Secret Sauce 33. Single Present 49. Foreign Accent
2. 52 steps 18. Going Home 34. Fan Dancer 50. Burning Candle
3. Weeping Willow 19. Human instincts 35. Copper Pipes
4. Hidden Arsenal 20. Starting Tonight 36. Falling Leaves
5. Red Light 21. Unwelcome Fear 37. Dumpster Diving
6. Silver Whistle 22. Multi-Symptom 38. Fan Mail
7. Forbidden Gold 23. Unanswered Prayers 39. 1 Minute
8. Sky Ablaze 24. Surprise Beginning 40. Slow Ascent
9. Endless Wonder 25. Library Books 41. Perfect Timing
10. Tom Sawyer 26. Insurance Rates 42. Milk Crates
11. Bitter Sweet 27. Blue Converse 43. Apple Tree
12. Second Guess 28. Gas Prices 44. Turning Back
13. One Way 29. 4 Wheelin' 45. French Horn
14. Glass Heart 30. Soda Fountain 46. Empty Glass
15. Crazy Squirrel 31. Ass Kickin' 47. Fogged Window
16. Changes Orbit 32. Lace Dragon 48. 1000 Pieces
There you have it...
Please join in the fun! See if your ideas could be a catalyst for an AWESOME story someone didn't know they had in them.
PS I reserve the right to add to my list at any time. (LOL)
As Always;
Happy Reading
Happy Writing!!
challenge: dragon days,
user: punky_96,
user: mxrolkr,
misc: prompts