Tasting the Possibilities, 4/5, for the July Fic-a-Thon

Jul 30, 2013 02:57

Tasting the Possibilities
(Begun June 2012 during the Poke the Dragon Fic-a-Thon; revised and finished now in daily installments beginning July 27 for the July 2013 Fic-a-Thon)

Summary: AU - What might occur in an alternative universe when aspiring chef Andrea Sachs decides to try to give Miranda Priestly a taste of what it would be like if they allowed their friendship to develop into something more.

A/N: My deep thanks to beta readers cobblestonepath and raiderl for their discerning eyes and their judicious suggestions on ways to add more cowbell and ramp up the “feels.” The story is much the richer for your involvement. Thanks, too, to Punky and XV for the massive amount of time and effort they've devoted to making the July Fic-a-Thon such a rousing success. Bon appetit!

( Part One )
( Part Two )
( Part Three )
( Part Four )

user: medora_macd, pairing: andy/miranda, length: 10000, genre: au, status: wip, rating: pg-13, all: fiction

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