Punkmeister's July Fic-A-Day Ficathon - July 16th Entries

Jul 16, 2013 09:46

Good Morning All!

As promised, I've just finished uploading two new stories to my web site for today's festivities. The link to them can be found on my LiveJournal page. Simple click on the title of the story you wish to read and the links should magically transport you there.

I hope sincerely you enjoy them both, but even if you don't, please leave feedback. Feedback is the fuel of fan fiction and if we want to maintain an ongoing supply of good things to read, it is essential. So please bounce back to my LJ page and leave your comments or do so here or email me. However, just let me know what you thought of my work.

I thank you all.

BeachBum's LJ page

user: beachbum3668

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