Miranda Fan Fic

Jan 08, 2007 22:05

Title: I Don't Know You

Rating: G

Summary: The circumstances surrounding Miranda's divorce from her second husband.

It had happened so fast. One moment he was holding her; nuzzling her neck and resting his hands on the swell of her pregnant belly as he murmured: “Je t'aime, Mira.” The next he was serving her divorce papers while two five-year-old girls slept soundly in their beds upstairs.

What had happened? What had changed so much between them that he no longer loved her; that he no longer wanted to be with her? The reason had to run deeper than the fact that her job caused her to work what seemed to be ungodly hours and therefore left very little time for them.

“Is there another woman?” She found herself asking.

He only shook his head. “Of course not! Do you really think so little of me?”

“Then why?” She needed to know why he was ending eight years of marriage so abruptly without even a word of warning.

“You know why.”

“Richard, this can’t be just about Runway. You can’t be willing to throw away eight years of marriage simply because of my work hours.”

“It’s more than that, Miranda. It’s not that I never see you anymore-it’s that I feel as if I don’t know you anymore. You’ve thrown yourself so heavily into your work and have become so absorbed in it that I can’t separate the woman I married from Runway’s editor-in-chief.”

“Oh don’t be ridiculous,” she retorted, turning away.

“Ridiculous am I?” He sighed, running his fingers through his hair. “You were always dedicated to your work, Mira. It’s one of the things I loved best about you. But ever since the promotion it’s as if nothing matters to you except for Runway.”

“That’s not true.”

“I’d love nothing more than for you to prove me wrong, mon cheri.”

She turned back around to face him, her gray-blue eyes cold. “What is that you want me to do, Richard? Give up Runway? You know I can’t do that any easier than I can live without breathing.”

He seemed defeated and only murmured sadly, “Then why are we fighting about this?”

She was silent as she turned to stare out the window, folding her arms across her chest. “I suppose you’re right. But what about the girls?”

“All I ask is the right to see them every so often. I wouldn’t dare try to take them away from their mother.”

“How considerate of you.” Even to her own ears the words sounded bitter and hollow.

He wrapped his arms around her from behind and pressed a kiss to her right temple. “I will always care for you very much, Mira. You gave me the most precious gift any man could ever ask for: the two most perfect little girls to ever be put on this earth.”

“You just don’t love me anymore,” she commented coolly.

He turned her around to face him, a sad smile gracing his face. “How can I love a woman I don’t know?”


all: art, title: i don't know you, pairing: unspecified, rating: unspecified, user: mini_miranda08

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