A Poke the Dragon Response

Jun 25, 2012 11:49

Title: “I’ve decided” - A Poke the Dragon response
Author: Hahns_girl
Beta: None, so mistakes likely - feel free to point them out and I’ll fix them!
Fandom:  Devil Wears Prada
Pairing: Mirandy
Rating: PG-13, maybe a little higher - I’m rubbish at ratings
Prompt: For xenavirgin  based on her prompt ‘A party at Nigel's, Andy ends up sitting next to Miranda, at which point a drunk Nigel comes along and says "haven't you two kissed yet? Sheesh talk about slow!" merriment or mayhem to follow.'  I have no idea where this came from, considering I had initially had plans for a sober and rather disapproving Miranda...Anyway, hope it gives you a giggle!

Had it been any other employees party, Miranda simply would not have come.  She would not even have received an invitation (well, demand).  ‘A nice civilised little soiree’ had been his little advertising tag line.  Miranda knew from past experiences that this was never the case, but had promised to attend nonetheless.  And so here she was, in a room of progressively drunker  friends, employees and associates.  Still, being in the same boat herself thanks to the fact Nigel appreciated a good drink, and had bought a plentiful supply, including a rather pricy bottle of scotch specifically for Miranda.  Of course, the unspoken rule at Nigel’s parties were that you brought a bottle of something acceptable and were free to drink whatever you found that pleased you once there.

Now on her nth scotch, Miranda had even given up thinking about ways in which she could slip away early.  Nigel was sufficiently drunk enough that she could simply get up and walk out without him noticing.  However, the getting up and walking was quickly becoming the complicated part of proceedings, and so Miranda decided it was best to recline and enjoy the contents of her seemingly magically refilling glass.

From time to time she endured conversation with some of the other guests, most recently Emily, who had clearly had a little too much herself, and had been wonderfully giggly and rather amusing.  Perhaps she should start a mandatory drinking policy in the office, mused Miranda, smirking.  She watched as Serena, clearly less drunk than she and Emily were, warily approached.  “Miranda, it’s wonderful to see you.”

“She plans on getting drunk!” giggled Emily, already gone herself.

Serena cringed at the red head’s comment, knowing she would be mortified to hear she said it when sober.

“She’s quite right!” Miranda informed the gorgeous Brazilian.  “If Nigel insists on my coming, then I intend to make the most of it!  And if you can’t get drunk at a friend’s party then where can you?”

“Very true,” smiled the Brazilian.  “I was actually looking for Emily to see if she would like to have a drink on the balcony.”

“Is that what they’re calling it these days?” asked Miranda, eyebrow raised, bringing a bright red blush to Serena’s cheeks.

“Calling what?” asked Emily, a frown marking her features.

“Stand up!” said Miranda in the crisp tone of the Dragon Lady, sending Emily springing to her feet, even in her inebriated state.  “Take Serena’s hand.”  Again the instruction was followed without question.  “And you’ll find out,” smirked Miranda, enjoying Serena’s deepening blush as she mouthed thank-you, before dragging Emily off.

Miranda sighed, swilling the contents of her nearly empty glass, wondering what she could do for amusement now that the giggling Emily was gone.  She didn’t have to wonder long.  Only a few minutes after Emily’s departure Andrea sank down onto the arm of the couch on which she was perched, completely unaware of Miranda’s presence.  The older woman smirked under the trilby that Nigel had placed upon her iconic head the last time he had refreshed her glass.  She snuck a sideways glance at the younger woman, whose lightly smiling expression told Miranda that Andy had also had her fair share to drink.  “Andrea?”

The younger woman jumped, almost falling off of the couch, saved only by Miranda grabbing her arm.  “Jeez, Miranda!”

“Yes Andrea?” asked Miranda, as innocently as she could.

“I thought you’d left!” exclaimed Andy, who had spent most of her night purposely avoiding the older woman, not trusting her drunken self to deal well with the situation.

“Why would you think that?” asked Miranda, frowning.  She hadn’t even seen her lovely assistant all night, and yet the girl still seemed able to keep tabs on her.  Well, almost.  “No, I’ve been enjoying Emily’s company and Nigel’s scotch.”

As if summoned by the mere mention of his name, Nigel appeared, stumbling in front of the pair, cocktail glass in hand.  “Haven’t you two kissed yet?  Sheesh, talk about slow!”  He rolled his eyes, as blissfully unaware as only the drunk can be to the potential backfiring of airing this thought out loud rather than letting it remain rolling around in his head.

“Should we have?” asked Miranda.

Andy froze, unable to breathe.  No, this wasn’t happening, not when she wasn’t sober to navigate her way out of the situation.  She looked at Miranda under the rim of the trilby, trying to ascertain just how drunk the older woman was.

Nigel let out a loud sigh.  “And I thought you two were smart!”  He looked at Andy, who shook her head, silently mouthing ‘please don’t’, coupling her plea with the best puppy dog eyes she could manage.  It was all in vain as Nigel let out a bark of laughter before fixing his gaze on Miranda.  “She only goes on about you all the time.  Miranda this, Miranda that...Oh didn’t she look amazing in that outfit, ooh, I can’t concentrate when she wears those pencil skirts...”

Andy was hoping to be swallowed up by the ground, to disappear into another universe, for the building to suddenly collapse, anything that would mean she wouldn’t have to face the outcome of this conversation.

Nigel turned his gaze to Andy.  “And she!” he paused, pointing his cocktail glass at Miranda.  “Invites me out for a nice friendly dinner, and then all we do is talk about you!  A blind man could see what is between you better than you two!”  His gaze then returned to his glass, now empty after his gesturing.  “Damn thing keeps emptying itself!” he fussed, promptly turning on his heel and going in search of something to refill it.

Suddenly, Andy didn’t feel quite drunk enough.  Quickly emptying the contents of her glass, she stood.  “I think I need a refill too.”

“You wouldn’t fetch me one, would you?” asked Miranda, her mind struggling to take in all that Nigel had just revealed.

Andy turned with a small uncertain smile playing about her lips.  “Of course.  I am very fetching, after all.”  She made her way on unsteady legs towards the bar Nigel had set up, pouring herself and Miranda a scotch on the rocks.  She felt that with current revelations, they were going to need it.  Just as she turned back to return to Miranda, she was stopped by a hand on her shoulder.  She turned; Serena.

“I felt I should warn you, Miranda is still here, and quite drunk.”

Andy smiled.  “Too late, I already bumped into her, and had Nigel asked why we haven’t kissed yet.”

“Ouch,” winced Serena.  Andy had gone to lengths to make them all swear that they wouldn’t reveal her feelings about Miranda to the woman herself, and so to have Nigel make such a flippant comment, she could only imagine how the brunette must be feeling.  “But you do have to admit, he has a point.”

Andy let out a laugh of disbelief.  “You’re suggesting I just kiss her?”

Serena shrugged.  “It worked for me with Emily.”

“That’s because Emily was smitten with you,” replied Andy.

“From what Nigel has said, the situation might not be so different with Miranda,” said Serena before slinking off, leaving Andy’s mind reeling.  Miranda couldn’t really feel something for me, could she?    Her thoughts were interrupted by the woman herself appearing in front of her.

“You really are fond of that glacial pace of yours,” she remarked, but her tone lacked any of its usual ice.  She reached out and took her glass from Andrea’s hand, taking a sip of the drink.  “So, should we have kissed?”

Eyes wide, Andy could only gape at the woman in front of her.  “Um, I, er...”

“Very eloquent Andrea,” quipped Miranda, rolling her eyes.  “I must admit, I had hoped you would be a more amusing drunk.  Emily certainly was.  So nice to see the girl look at me without terror in her eyes.”  She let her eyes roam around the room.  “Pity I can’t say the same of you.”  And with that, the white haired wonder wandered off, the black trilby still perched on her head.

Andy watched her go and sighed, feeling as though she had just thrown away the biggest chance of her life.  Did Miranda want me to kiss her?  All of a sudden, the room was too big, too noisy and too crowded.  Andy needed some space to clear her head.  Refilling her glass for good measure, she sought refuge in Nigel’s bedroom where she had dumped her coat earlier.  Perched on the edge of the bed, Andy sipped at her glass.  She couldn’t just go up and kiss Miranda, could she?

Out on the balcony, Miranda was similarly sipping at the contents of her glass.  Why was she still here?  She had intended to show face, and leave, and now here she was slowly getting off her face.  What would she do next?  Join the little group in the corner and smoke some pot?  Go hunting for her gorgeous if stuttering second assistant and kiss her senseless?  Perhaps if she done both in that order she could blame the former for the latter if things went badly...


Andy had gotten up with the intention of finding Miranda no less than five times, each time only making it as far as refilling her glass before returning to Nigel’s bedroom to work up the courage.

Miranda, in the mean time, had found Emily, whom she had decided would be her partner in crime for the time being, and the pair had not so discretely made their way over towards the little group who thought they were being equally discrete in their not so legal smoking.  Ten minutes later, Miranda was seated in the middle of the little group, Emily leaning rather heavily on her right shoulder as they were now included in the passing around of a few joints.  Miranda could see Serena hovering in the background, keeping a watchful eye on her girlfriend, and no doubt Miranda too.  Smiling to herself, she giggled; she didn’t need Serena to look after her...she knew exactly who she wanted to look after her.


Blinking in an attempt to focus, Miranda sought out the familiar source of the voice; Nigel.

“Serena told me you were out here but I didn’t believe her!” he said, making his way to her side.  He settled rather unsteadily next to her, looking right into her blue eyes.  “You’re drunk!  And higher than a kite!”

Miranda giggled, the sound prompting the red head still leaning on her shoulder to do the same.  “I haven’t had this much fun a long time!” declared Miranda, swaying slightly where she sat.

Even in the state he was in, Nigel worried for Miranda at the moment.  It was unlike her to let her walls down, but tonight, the drawbridge had been lowered and the commoners allowed in to party in the castle.  And Nigel thought he knew why.  “I think you might have had enough fun for now, Mira.”

“Nonsense!  I’m just bloody getting started!”

Nigel sighed.  Even with her mind on another planet Miranda was able to argue.  “Then what about a break?”

Miranda pondered this for a few moments.  “Perhaps a short one.  I could use the bathroom and come back.”

“Excellent idea,” said Nigel, thankful she was giving in without too much of a fight.  He was in no condition to take her on, even in the condition she was in herself.  He held out a hand, which surprisingly, the white haired woman took, letting him lead her through the stoned and amazed crowd which had gathered around her chair like subjects around the throne.  “Why don’t you use the en-suite in my bedroom?” he suggested.  “I know how you like your privacy.”

“Ah you know me well Nigel,” grinned Miranda in a most un-Miranda like way as she half walked, half stumbled, moving as inelegantly as Nigel had ever seen her, into the bedroom.  Seeing Andy still slumped on his bed, he pulled his bedroom door closed, leaving the two women alone in the room - whether they knew the other was there or not.


Lying back against the pile of coats on the bed, Andy opened her eyes on hearing the quiet feminine singing in the room.  Sitting up, she gasped when she found the source; one Miranda Priestly, currently swaying her way to the bathroom faintly singing ‘Kiss Me’ in between cursing her heels for not working.  Andy let out a snort of laughter, more like her legs weren’t working.

On hearing the short burst of laughter, Miranda spun on the spot, landing rather inelegantly on her ass.  “Well that didn’t go well.”

Her statement prompted further laughing from Andrea, who had now rolled over in order to gain a better view.  She watched as Miranda pouted at her own inability to act in a productive manner.

“Bloody stupid shoes.  Won’t even let me walk right and now won’t even come off!”  Miranda pulled and poked at the straps of her Prada heels, but to no avail.  Glaring at the shoes, she threatened to find scissors and cut them off if they continued to refuse to cooperate.

“M’randa, you can’t even get off your ass, how are you gonna find scissors?” asked Andy, deciding it was safe to ask such things at their current distance.

“Oh shut up!” retorted Miranda, sitting with her legs straight out in front of her.  She knew there was a reason she didn’t drink this much...But still, she smiled to herself, she had to admit, she had had fun.  “Bet you can’t get them off.”

“Oh I bet I can!”  Andy slid off of the bed and crawled over to where Miranda was sitting, sitting on the floor by her feet.  Her now drunken clumsy fingers struggled to undo the fine straps of the heels, but in the end she succeeded, proudly holding them out to Miranda.  “Told you I could!”

“Very impressive,” smirked Miranda.  “Now help me up!”

“Oh that’s nice!” slurred Andy.  “Make me take your shoes off so you can walk and then leave me sitting here.”

“Oh shut up, I’ll come back, but I need to go to the bathroom.  That’s what I came in here for!”

“Way to make a girl feel wanted,” grumbled Andy as she helped the older woman to her feet.

“Oh I can make a girl feel wanted!” retorted Miranda as she disappeared into the bathroom.

Eyebrows raised at Miranda’s last comment, Andy thought she really wouldn’t mind seeing just how Miranda made a girl feel wanted.  But right now, she would settle for not being sat on a hardwood floor.  Crawling back over to the bed, she manoeuvred herself back up onto it, pawing at the mountain of coats to make a comfortable space in which to curl up.  She smiled as her fingers found fur; Miranda’s coat.  Tugging it free from the rest of the pile she laid it out on top of the little cocoon she had created.  Smiling to herself, she curled up in the soft space, inhaling Miranda’s scent which clung to the coat.  She kept herself facing the bathroom, waiting for Miranda’s return, having already told herself that if the older woman didn’t appear back within the next five minutes (or what felt like five minutes since there was no clock) she would go and investigate or help, whichever the situation called for.

Just as she was levering herself into a sitting position from which she intended to stumble her way to the bathroom and investigate what had become of her boss, she heard the toilet flush and soon after, the  door swung open.  The bathroom light framed Miranda in the doorway, the older woman standing with her hands gripping either side of the frame for support.  The trilby was still perched on her regal head, matching well with the black and white tuxedo halter dress she wore.  Andy had almost drooled when she first saw Miranda in the dress, the equivalent of top hat and tails but in a dress.  It dipped low enough to do more than suggest at the perfect breasts beneath, and was short enough to remind you of the truly amazing legs the older woman possessed while still remaining classy.  In short, it was Miranda all over; elegant yet business, sexy but never slutty.

Grinning at the sight, Andy shuffled in the bed a little, alerting Miranda to her presence.

The white haired woman squinted at Andrea, who lay curled in a deep purple cocktail dress that looked simply divine on her, on her fur...Moving towards the younger woman with as much elegance as she could muster, Miranda stood over the brunette beauty,  “You didn’t answer my question earlier.”

Andrea frowned, too tired and drunk to think too much.

“Should we have kissed?” asked Miranda again.

Andy, recalling her earlier feeling of letting her biggest chance slip away, was not about to relive the experience.  Sitting up, she took Miranda’s face in her hands and drew her towards her, crushing their lips together.  Lips moving against lips quickly became duelling tongues and nipping teeth.  Lying back down in her bed of coats, Andy tugged Miranda with her, until they lay entwined in a little fur lined hollow of designer coats and wraps, their mouths never separating except to breathe.

Finally pulling back, Miranda smiled.  “That was a very good answer.”  She curled into the younger woman’s side.  “Maybe we are slow.”

Andrea shook her head, causing Miranda to giggle as the movement caused her hair to tickler her face.  “No, we were just creating a build-up.”

“That sounded very decisive,” commented Miranda.

“It was,” said Andy.  “Because that’s it, I’ve decided.  That’s what...” she gestured vaguely with her hands where words failed her.  “All that was.”

Miranda nodded in agreement, snuggling deeper into the younger woman’s side.

Andy for her part, wrapped one arm around Miranda’s shoulders, letting the other settle around the older woman’s waist.  It wasn’t as scary as she had thought it would be, kissing and cuddling with the Dragon herself.

“I think it’s good we’re drunk.”

Andy frowned, her liquor drenched brain trying to make sense of the statement.

“I think we needed to be drunk to admit this.”

Ah, thought Andy, now that makes sense.

“I like this,” said Miranda after a few minutes.  “That’s what I’ve decided.”


Serena, having taken on the role of caretaker, was the first to stumble across the pair.  She had finally convinced Emily that it would be a good idea to go home with her sooner rather than later, and on the insistence of the red head, had come to collect her coat.  High and drunk as she was, the red head refused to leave the apartment without a coat.  Stepping into the room, she took only a few steps before smiling at the sight before her; Andy and Miranda curled up together on top of a the pile of coats, having made a little nest out of them, Miranda’s fur now draped over them.  Deciding not to risk disturbing them, she silently retreated with the intention of finding Nigel, and informing him that no one would be leaving with their coats unless they wanted to face the wrath of a drunken dragon to get them.


Miranda woke to the sound of clattering kitchenware, but refused to open her eyes.  She was far too warm and comfortable to even consider it.  Well, apart from the mild pounding in her head that promised only to get worse if she moved or permitted more light into her skull.

She did open her eyes, however, when the warmth moved, and pulled her more tightly against it.  Forcing her rather hazy blue eyes open, taking in the sight of a still slumbering Andrea Sachs mere inches away.  For a moment, Miranda panicked, before memories of the night before flooded her brain.  The kissing, the cuddling, more kissing, some jumbled conversation...They must have fallen asleep in each other’s arms.  Glancing at the fur that covered them, Miranda gingerly lifted it a little, allowing her to confirm that having fallen asleep in Nigel’s bed, they were at least clothed.  She smirked at the thought that they could just as easily not be...

Gentle snuffling from the woman next to her drew her eyes back up to Andrea’s face, watching as the young woman blinked into awareness.  “Morning,” smiled Miranda, keen to reassure Andrea that this was where she wanted to be, and that nothing that had happened was a drunken mistake.  It had simply been a sober wish come true.

Smiling shyly and blushing, Andy mumble a quiet “Hi.”

Endeared at the young woman’s shyness, Miranda softened her gaze.  “How are you feeling?”

“A lot less brave than I did last night,” admitted Andy honestly.

“Headache and nausea aside, I’m feeling much the same myself,” admitted Miranda, deciding that the only way this could work was if she swallowed her pride and admitted how she really felt.

Andy’s smile widened.  “Then I don’t mind admitting I’m a little scared.”

“Of me?” asked Miranda.

“Maybe a little,” chuckled Andy.  “But I’m more scared of what lies beyond that door.”

“The outside world or the people in it?”


“Me too, but I’ll be less so if I don’t have to face them alone.”

Andy found tears pooling in her eyes.  “You won’t have to.  I’ll be there, If you’ll let me.”

“Of course I’ll let you,” chuckled Miranda.  “Question is, will you put up with me.”

“I almost walked away once...more than once if I’m honest...but I never could just walk away.  I could never leave you.”

“You’ll regret it one day,” warned Miranda.

“For someone who lives on hope that’s quite a lot of pessimism there.  Can’t we just take it one day at a time and leave the deciding if I regret it up to me?”

Miranda smiled.  “I think I can do that.”  She looked towards the door.  “Shall we start by braving Nigel’s living room?”


Nigel sat with his head in his hands.  He had taken painkillers, but nothing seemed to help the sledgehammer pounding his skull.

Serena meanwhile, having extracted herself from the couch, which she had shared last night with Emily at Nigel’s request (read begging) that he not be left alone to face a hungover Miranda when she emerged from his bedroom either with Andy in tow or her head on a platter, was in the kitchen, starting up the coffee machine.

Emily meanwhile was lying absolutely still, convinced that if she moved more than was necessary to breathe that she would throw up.  She was never again drinking, or smoking anything! with Miranda Priestly again.

The click of the bedroom door opening drew three pairs of eyes as Miranda, followed by Andy emerged.  Smudged make-up removed and hair flattened as best they could, they almost looked respectable.

Nigel raised an eyebrow at the sight.

Miranda raised one higher.

Nigel dropped his head back into his hands.

Surprisingly, it was Emily who broke the silence, with a miserable.  “I hate you, Miranda.”

The editor smirked at the sight of her assistant lying deathly still on the couch.  “I can’t think why,” she replied as innocently as she could manage.

“You tried to kill me last night!  I drank enough to drown a fish and then you had me smoking god only knows what!”  Ignoring the rising wave of nausea, the red head leant up to glare at the older woman.

“Does it appease you to know you’re not alone in your suffering?”

The red head pondered this for a moment.  “Yes, I think it does.”

“Good, then move up and make a bit of room for Andrea and I.”

Serena, who had been monitoring proceedings from the kitchen watched as Emily struggled to sit up, clutching the throw blanket like her life depended on it as she huddled in the corner of the large couch and Miranda settled into the embrace Andrea offered.  “Would anyone like coffee?” she asked.

“God yes!” came the duel reply of both Miranda and Emily, drawing a smirk from everyone else present, who also answered in the affirmative.


“I can’t take it any more,” said Emily abrupty, turning on the couch to face Miranda and Andrea, where the former was sitting with her feet tucked up under her, head resting on the latter’s shoulder.  “I have to ask.  You two, what’s the story?”

“Why thinking of tattling to page six?” retorted Miranda in a heartbeat.  She glanced round at Andrea when the hand that had been gently playing with her hair suddenly gave a small tug.  Big brown eyes pleaded with her to play nice.  With a sigh, Miranda looked back at Emily.  “I apologise.  I know you wouldn’t go tattling to those rags.”  The hand went back to playing with her hair and she felt herself relax a little.  She glanced around at their little gathering, deciding that she was amongst friends, and so could be honest.  “You know the story as well as anyone in this room does.”

Nigel snorted.

Miranda raised an eyebrow at him.  “Don’t worry Nigel, the sanctity of your bed has not been tainted.”

“Seriously?  You two couldn’t even make a go of it pissed?” asked Emily, still full of boldness.  She thought she might still be a little drunk.

Andre took over the explanation.  “Miranda was the perfect gentlewoman, we kissed, we cuddled...and then I think we passed out.”

Emily sighed, shaking her head.  “Do we honestly need to write you two an instruction manual?”

“Do I need to remind you where the boundaries lie?” asked Miranda in a tone tinged with acid.  She was reprimanded first by a swift tug to her hair, and then by Emily herself.

“Oh no you don’t!” she started, finger pointing, before staring at the digit and hastily pulling it back and settling for words alone.  “You laughed at me drunk, kept pouring me drinks and then made me get high with you!  So don’t start lecturing me about boundaries!”

Leaning close to Miranda ear, Andrea whispered “She has a point.”

“Yes, well,” said Miranda, fidgeting.  And then mentally scolding herself for doing something so mundane.

“If I may speak,” said Serena softly.  “It is the weekend, and from what I understand from Emily and Andrea, your schedule does not demand you back in the office until Monday, and your daughters are staying with their father until then.”

Miranda nodded.

“Then you have the remainder of today and tomorrow free?”

Again Miranda nodded.

Nigel took over from Serena’s gentle urging.  “I think she’s suggesting you two get the hell out of my apartment and do something productive with your weekend.”

Still a little disgruntled at so many people being privy and almost in control of her personal life, Miranda nonetheless could see no problem with the suggestion.  “Andrea, call Roy, I believe we have some catching up to do.”

“Finally,” breathed Emily.


Lying with her head on Andrea’s chest, Miranda traced imaginary patterns on her skin.  “Are you still scared of me?”

Andrea moved so she could look into Miranda’s baby blues.  “No.”

“When did you stop being afraid?”

Andrea smiled softly.  “When Roy asked where you wanted to go, and you said my apartment, because you wanted to get to know me in my world.”

Miranda blushed.  “I wanted you to be comfortable, and I felt you would be more comfortable here.”

“I only wanted to be with you.  I’d have gone anywhere,” replied Andy.  “But thank you for coming here.  And for not insulting it.”

Miranda smiled.  “I couldn’t insult it.  It’s you all over.  Warm, welcoming, beautiful in its own unique way.”

“You know what I’ve decided now?” asked Andy, tracing Miranda’s face with her fingers.  ‘I’ve decided I love you.”

“Don’t you think it’s a little fast to be saying such things?”

Andy shook her head.  “We’ve been dancing around this for months.”

“You’re right,” agreed Miranda.  “And I’ve decided I agree with you.  I love you too.”

pairing: andy/miranda, all: fiction

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