2 Micro fics

Mar 24, 2012 23:05

Never let you go

“Miranda…. I have to go….” Andy groaned.

The grip around her waist tightened. “No.”

“Miranda… I really have to go…” Andy said firmly, trying to wiggle out of that iron grip.

“I’ve told you, I’ll never let you go again.” Miranda replied deadly serious.

“But Miranda…” Andy winced, the pressure becoming nearly unbearable. “I really REALLY have to go!”

Finally Miranda gave up pressing her naked body so hard into her younger lover’s.  “Fine.”

She lifted the sheets. “Make it quick.”

Andy didn’t waist a second, jumped out of the bed and ran into the bathroom.


Title: Wash my car
Pairing: none
Raiting: G

Wash my car

Miranda would never admit it, but the actress looked extremely stunning for 62 years.

“Okay, book her.” She told Nigel.

“For the cover?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.

“No, for washing my car.” She snorted.

Nigel grinned. Now THAT would make interesting pictures!

pairing: andy/miranda, length: micro-fic, genre: fluff, pairing: none, user: lady_orlean, rating: pg-13, all: fiction, rating: g

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