Title: Say Hello In This Cafe
Fandom: The Devil Wears Prada
Rating: PG
Pairings/Characters: Miranda/Andy, Caroline, Cassidy
Prompt: Written for
damelola from her prompt 'Andy is a barista, Miranda is the incognito famous novelist writing her novel in Andy's coffee shop.' which she prompted roughly a million years ago.
Summary: Miranda found her thoughts, and eyes, straying to the girl often. She was an enigma, one that Miranda found herself wanting to figure out. Yet, when she left the café on Friday afternoon, Miranda was determined that she would not be returning again, and so the mystery of the barista would have to go unsolved.
Spoilers: AU, so none really
Word Count: 9,884
Disclaimer: I do not own The Devil Wears Prada, any of its characters or Castle or any of its characters or books.
Author's Note: I started writing this a million years ago. Finally posting it. It is basically unbeta-ed, so all mistakes are mine. I sort of crossed over with Castle, but not really. You'll be fine whether you know the show or not. Title taken from a line in the Train song Marry Me (sung as a beautiful duet with Martina McBride on her new album, jsyk).
Are you suggesting that you could be my muse?