Hey Jealousy

Dec 01, 2011 23:09

Title: Hey Jealousy
Pairing: Emily/Serena
Rating: PG-13, I suppose. It's pretty tame.
Disclaimer: Yeah, I own everything
Author's Notes: A short (really short) drabble I wrote to try and get a hang on writing in second person,featuring a jealous Serena.

You’re not prone to jealousy. But when you see some clacker blatantly flirting with your girlfriend, that possessiveness nearly consumes, but you tell yourself to calm down. Then she leans over your girlfriend’s desk and you notice Emily staring at her cleavage.

That night, you fuck Emily harder than you ever have.

The next day, Emily is in a happy daze and doesn’t pay any attention to the clacker. This placates the green eyed monster a bit, but you fuck her just as roughly that night. For a week, the clacker isn’t a problem, but then you see her flirting with Emily again, and then she brushes your girlfriend’s arm. You don’t recall walking over to Emily’s desk, but you hear the resounding slap and your own blood pounding in your ears. The clacker holds her cheek and looks at you in shock.

“Don’t ever touch my girlfriend again,” the words are more threatening than anything you’ve ever said.

The clacker stares at you for a moment and then she almost scurries towards the beauty department. You hear a quiet, “Holy shit,” from Jocelyn, a gasped “Wow,” from Lucia and the flurried typing of the second assistant. Emily grabs your shoulder, the simple contact calms you, and you find yourself being led into the kitchen. Once there, Emily looks at you.

“What was that?”

“I’m sorry.”

“You slapped her.”

“I'm really sorry, Emily.”

“You were jealous..."

"You're right, I was, and I'm sorry. The way I reacted was stupid and irrational and-"

Your words are cut short by Emily's lips against yours. When she breaks the kiss, you're both out of breath.

“I'm sorry about the way I behaved," you wrap your arms around the woman in front of you.

“Quit saying that, it was actually kind of hot," you raise an eyebrow, slapping clackers in a jealous rage has never equated hot to you, "I mean you being so possessive, I've never seen you like that before," she kisses you again, "Now, let's get back to work before Miranda sacks the both of us. My parents are visiting next week, and I'd rather us still be employed when I formally introduce them to my girlfriend."

You smile and follow Emily, while making a mental note to apologize to the clacker. Maybe you'll tell her again who Emily's girlfriend is, just to make sure she understands.

length: drabble, all: fiction, user: jbthedelirious, pairing: emily/serena

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