Title: French Runway 1/3: I Love Paris
Author: amles80
Rating/Genre: g/AU
Characters/Pairings: Miranda, Andy/Nate (for now, ‘cause it’s canon, you know…), Emily, Serena, Jacqueline, Marie (oc).
Summary: Andy lives with Nate in Paris, where she works as Jacqueline’s second assistant and life is good. When Miranda Priestly shows up things begin to change - thanks to something bad that happens to Emily… or is it something good? The story alternates between Andy’s and Emily’s point of view.
Word count: 2 573 (this chapter)
Spoilers/Warnings: No.
Notes: Very late fic for
punky_96 and
fandomaid’s Help Japan auction. Thank you for all the prompts and ideas. I’m very sorry I didn’t finish this earlier.
Notes2: “I Love Paris” by Frank Sinatra:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WF_yN1R2b5M&feature=related Read it here: