Cinde-fuckin-rella, Miranda/Andy, NC17 (warning: some het mixed up in their business. Sorry)

Sep 11, 2011 21:48

Title: Cinde-fuckin-rella
Rating: NC17 (for the title alone?!)
Pairing: Andy/Miranda. And SORRY but a spot of Miranda/Stephen. It's not the focus, but it exists. SORRY.
Fandom: Devil Wears Prada (movie)

AU. So very AU. Andy works for a 'niche' escort agency to pay her way through law school. A husband frustrated by his 'frigid' wife has a
request. You do the math(s) ;) Thank you to Kuschi for an amazing prompt that I totally went to town with.
Word Count: ~8100

Not mine! I disclaim! (Also for the hooker-lawyer plot I totally lifted from season one of the West Wing. Inspired by Lisa Edelstein and Aaron
Sorkin, as always!) And the title is, of course, from Pretty Woman.

Read it here.

pairing: andy/miranda, user: damelola, status: complete, length: one-shot, genre: au, rating: nc-17, all: fiction, misc: wtf, pairing: miranda/stephen

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