DWP fanfic: The River Ouse
by Politic X
Pairing: Andy / Miranda:: Rating: PG (adult themes):: Status: Completed:: Word count: 1,203:: Chapters/web pages: 1
Disclaimer: The Devil Wears Prada is not owned by me; I'm not making money.
Archive: Ask first:: Posted: August 2011
Thanks to my geagte friend and beta royale:
sheknowsnofear about whom enough good things cannot be said.
Summary: Miranda and Andy are on a train bound for nowhere.
From the New York Times, 1941: LONDON, April 19 -- Dr. E. F. Hoare, Coroner at New Haven, Sussex, gave a verdict of suicide today in the drowning of Virginia Woolf, novelist. Her body was recovered last night from the River Ouse near her week-end house at Lewes.
"Against you I will fling myself, unvanquished and unyielding, O Death!"